Really consider a remote thermometer for your grill. I have the Thermoworks Smoke and while I don't part with $100 easily, I spent it out of my rehab profits and am very happy that I did. You can set the temp for a given range and place the thermometer anywhere in the grill you want so you can get very accurate temps right at meat level. Then it makes it really easy to dial in the desired temp on the grill. Then, you set the thermometer for high and low readings and if the temps get outside that range, it sounds an alarm. With the remote, you can be inside the house snatching cookie dough all the time monitoring the grill temps. If there is a grease fire, the temps will rise very quickly and sound the alarm and you can react in plenty of time to solve the problem.
Tomorrow, I will be inside watching football games while the turkey on the rotisserie is outside in 30 degree weather and I will not have to worry about running out of gas or grease fires or anything like going on for extended periods of time. The remote will let me know right away if something is amiss. That is so nice, whether doing a 4 hour turkey or a 12 hour brisket. I don't have to sit out next to the grill the whole time to make sure the temps are holding either up or down.
There are several companies that make similar products an prices vary, but I really like my Thermoworks Smoke. I think something like that is worth a spot on your Christmas list. I think the Smoke is worth a line on your Christmas list. I think they will be on sale for 10% off on Black Friday as will many other brands and models, I am sure.