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    • JimZ
      JimZ reacted to Timothy F. Lewis's post in the thread So I drove an electric car with Like Like.
      Larry, I know that you know what you like for your own reasons and they are perfectly valid. I hope this new ride of pride is as good as...
    • JimZ
      JimZ replied to the thread So I drove an electric car.
      I agree; it is a challenge at times. I put a trailer hitch on my wife's Honda Crosstour for a light kayak trailer which we use for...
    • JimZ
      JimZ replied to the thread So I drove an electric car.
      I have a 2017 Honda Accord hybrid bought as a 1 owner corporate lease vehicle with 36,000 miles on it for 18 grand and love the thing—no...
    • JimZ
      JimZ replied to the thread So Bad Weather In my Region.
      It is Borrington!
    • JimZ
      JimZ replied to the thread So Bad Weather In my Region.
      I've read the same thing regarding Italy! We didn't get much excitement here in barrington last night other than more rain. Grateful we...
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