Rotisserie Pork Loin



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Still trying to perfect this, not that there's anything wrong with how Malcom Reed did it. I doubled the Honey for the marinade


Make sure you save some of the marinade for the glaze


Old school charcoal lighter. My Genesis exploded while I was cooking salmon on it. Might have been the bottle or regulator. I'm done with gassers, I got the hell burned out of me. So now I'm looking for new methods to start the charcoal.


Works pretty good

Let the fun begin

120 IT, time to glaze

Looks tasty enough


Would have thought it would have been juicier since I pulled it at 130


Pretty tasty. I used a little less balsamic vinegar than the recipe calls for and I used the marinade instead of just mustard. That was a good move. I also doubled the brown sugar


I really like this cook, you'll probably see more like it in the future
I think the best way to make a juicy pork loin is to butterfly it or put a bunch of deep slits in it and then wet brine, and then either rotissery like you show here or just cook indirect. My best pork loin was one I butterflied, wet brined and stuffed with herbs then cooked at about 300F on the WSM until about 140f. Here's a like that shows kind of how I did it in case you're not familiar with the butterfling technique. I typically just follow the Morton's salt box brine recipe then add some "kicker" ingredients like peppercorns, alspice, and bay leaves or maybe a little citrus.

The glaze you put on there looks really good. I'm not a frequent glazer, but I might start after seeing that!
The loin looks good, but even if you cooked it to only 130 it's such a darn lean piece of meat that I can see why the juiciness could be underwhelming.

My father-in-law gave me his old electric charcoal starter some 30 years ago. I can't remember if I ever used it, or even where it is these days.

Sorry to hear about the explosion and your burns. Did it happen recently?
Looks great. I really like th epork cushion roasts that Costco sells. Perfect cut for the rotisserie. Has just enough dark meat in it to keep things nice and juicy.
I think the best way to make a juicy pork loin is to butterfly it or put a bunch of deep slits in it and then wet brine, and then either rotissery like you show here or just cook indirect. My best pork loin was one I butterflied, wet brined and stuffed with herbs then cooked at about 300F on the WSM until about 140f. Here's a like that shows kind of how I did it in case you're not familiar with the butterfling technique. I typically just follow the Morton's salt box brine recipe then add some "kicker" ingredients like peppercorns, alspice, and bay leaves or maybe a little citrus.

The glaze you put on there looks really good. I'm not a frequent glazer, but I might start after seeing that!
That is great advice with the butterfly technique. I had a similar recent complaint with a pork tenderloin roast of being dry at 130.
Damned Chuck, the heck with the pork loin, I'm glad you're OK. You just kind of nonchalantly mentioned getting burned. Hope you just dodged a bullet and got everything under control. The meat looks wonderful, moist and juicy. Nice looking cook.

PS.... Can't help myself, was the neighbor's fence OK?? :D
Thanks everyone for the kind comments and concern. The fire occurred almost a month ago. I was cooking salmon on the gasser when all of a sudden a giant ball of flame blew the doors open and knocked me off my feet. The flame was coming from the bottle where the regulator connects and it gave me a good sear right in the face. The worst was it burned the inside of my nose and that hurt constantly for a week plus. At first I was freaked out seeing the bottle flaming like that, but once I got my wits, I got the hose pushed back the flame with water and turned off the bottle, fire out. It was at that moment I made up my mind, no more gassers for me. I'm happy to say that no fences were harmed, however the salmon was ruined.

I think the bottle is/was defective. The guy had a hard time filling it and almost gave up doing so. Should you get a bottle filled and the guy has issues with the bottle, you should probably opt out
Glad to hear it wasn't worse, Chuck. Years ago my brother was burning trash and just as he looked into the barrel an aerosol can that had gotten accidentally mixed in exploded, and he wound up with no eyebrows and 2nd-degree burns. For awhile he looked like he had a bad sunburn.
Nice Pork Loin cook Chuck, I get those 2 pk Pork tenderloins and Costco and use the spinner and a grill basket.
They come out very tender, best way I found to cook them. If you look close thats an inverted Vortex with a foil wrapped pie tin, just pour the coals around and hit play on the rotisserie.:)

And Chuck sorry to hear about the gasser and salmon mishap, hope your ok bud.
Good grief Chuck! Good thing you have thick hide! That’s one of the scariest things I could ever think of!
As to the cook, I have taken to tying the loins into a nicer round shape, purely aesthetic but the result s impressive on the plate.
With regard to butterflying, been doing that for years!
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