Roast Beast from the Back of the Freezer.


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Found a top round roast buried in the back of the freezer that should have been cooked a looooong time ago.
Injected with beef broth mixed with a teaspoon of Penzeys Arizona Dreamin.
Used Dalmatian rub for the seasoning.
Smoke was olive wood.

Barb got Robert T’s recipe for the scalloped potatoes he posted a while ago, Barb had to make one small change in it as the Campbell’s cheddar cheese soup has way to much sodium for me so I made a rue and added sharp cheddar until I got the right consistency. Then Barb took it from there following the rest of the recipe.
Really liked the outcome, the taters were excellent.
Thanks again Robert for the recipe.

Barb also did up some steamed broccoli.
Pulled the roast at 118 and let it rest lightly foiled for a half hour.
The roast came out fine and this morning we sliced up the leftovers for some sammies later on in the week.



Expecting rain





Have a great week everyone.
That is one good looking plate of food. Your cooks are always good and the pics are very well done. Quick question, where do you get the Mortons light salt? Checked my local markets but can't find it.
Very tasty looking roast, Rich! Gotta love finding buried treasure in the freezer. Barb's side dishes look superb as well.
Rich, that roast is the perfect colour. Nothing more I can say.
Barb, those sides look gorgeous. Gonna try that scalloped spud recipe.

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