Quarentine Time Movies


russ olin

Closed Account
During these long days of quarantine sometimes a good movie can take your mind off of things for a couple of hours. Which is a good thing. So I thought that I would start a thread where everyone can tell us about a movie that they like to pass the time. I'll go first.
A great movie these days to watch would be Bruce Willis in the classic The Twelve Monkeys. This movie is a perfect back drop for what is happening this very day.
Well that's my movie classic, whats yours?
I like this idea for a thread. Our office is closed today but I'm here at home in my PJ's catching up on work and playing Mr. Majestyk in the background. I do enjoy watching movies; I copy my DVD's to the server and have access to them throughout the house with media players. I can't say I have one favorite but I do play Jaws quite often.
I've found that I generally work better in a quiet environment. I may have put put Pink Floyd Pulse on, after spending a week (way longer than I should have taken, IMO....) cloning an ancient system for performance issues at my client.

Movies.... The Omega Man? Outbreak (Dustin Hoffman) might be appropriate.

Actually.... Both Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 would be good background noise.....
Just saw something on (free) showtime yesterday,”The Nines” very interesting, and two others that were so good, I can’t remember the blasted names! I’ll think of them, sooner or later.
A mind is a terrible thing to lose!
“Unlocked” and “Cell” the first was frighteningly prophetic about virus transmission! The second was a very strange post apocalypse thing. Both were amazing.
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I like this idea for a thread. Our office is closed today but I'm here at home in my PJ's catching up on work and playing Mr. Majestyk in the background. I do enjoy watching movies; I copy my DVD's to the server and have access to them throughout the house with media players. I can't say I have one favorite but I do play Jaws quite often.
Yea, Mr Majestic is one of my favorite movies also. Bronson was a stud back in the day. He's also pretty good in Chato's Land. I mean he was buffed in that movie. Breakheart Pass isn't too bad either.
another old favorite movie I like is Vincent Price 1964 The Last Man on Earth. Black & white, erie back settings to the movie. Old Ford station wagon cars. Its a classic.
A couple of feel good movies I like to watch 1954 the Long Long Trailer. Desi Arnez & Lucy Ball. Great movie if you have ever pulled trailers around like I have its just how it goes.
Another movie I cant pass up time to time is Overboard. Seen it many times, don't mind seeing it again.
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Been binging Longmire again, also classics like Dirty Harry, may binge The Sopranos as well. I have the entire set on Blu Ray, but hard to watch much. Busy as all get out. Sold a machine yesterday again, and got another order for a Commercial unit so just got done with it and will have customer pick up. Person I sold to yesterday dropped another off for refurb so that one comes next. So not too much binging for me. Just going to take a lunch break here soon
I watched Outbreak on Netflix the other night. Hadn't seen it since, well, I'm not sure when, but it was on an airplane many years ago.
I've been watching Sons of Anarchy on Hulu for the second time. Larry mentioned Longmire and I really liked that too. I was planning to watch a series Bob C. mentioned on another thread and I believe it was Deadwood. Might migrate to that next.
Must admit, I’ve been watching quite a few John Prine videos and feeling kind of low, and to add to that, I just found out a longtime friend has passed to the larger life. RIP chef Andy. You were a good friend and a great chef!
I was all over the place....Repo Man, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Richard Jewel, The Mule, Tiger King, Twelve Angry Men, Rear Window,
The Accountant, Animal House, Super Troopers, The Good The Bad And The Ugly, Once upon a Time In Hollywood, On Any Sunday,
Free White Rhino surf flick on Amazon Prime...click on the one next to the one that wants you to pay $10.00 and its free...
TV. Shows on MeTv...Mannix, Adam12, Cannon, Leave it to beaver, Motor Trend Iron Resurrection, Texas Metal, Chasing Classic Cars, Wheeler Dealers, Bitchen Rides. Fastest Cars in The Dirty South...
If you want to pass some time throw on the Lord of the rings trilogy. That takes a minute or two to get through.

HA! Several years ago (probably 7 or 8 now), there was a ridiculously good deal on The Godfather series from iTunes, so I bought 'em all. Never watched any of them since that purchase though. Maybe that'll fill my time this coming week...

