Prime Brisket Packer (ffat half) no pan WSM cook


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
edit to add, I can't edit my header typo.:(

Prime grade brisket from Costco.
I cut it into two pieces, and froze them for two separate cooks.

Flat piece rubbed with Oakridge Black Ops Brisket rub.
Kbb and lump, with hickory and cherry wood.
Top rack, direct with no water pan.


Let the WSM run at 225-250.
After about 3 hrs. the internal was 175, wrapped it in foil, opened bottom vents more, and let it run 325-350.

It took a little over an hour more to reach probe tender.
Rested and sliced.

Meat and baked beans was my supper.

It was excellent, but probably no better than Choice grades I've cooked.
When I go direct like this, I trim the fat down to a fairly thin layer.
It smells like a giant steak cooking the entire time!

Many of you know what's coming next, this morning's breakfast. (that ain't bacon)

Thanks for the visit, have a great week!
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Not sure which I like better, dinner or the breakfast McBob. Guess I'll have to have one of each!! :cool: Awesome cook as always Bob!!
Bob, brisket is spot on as you know I love that stuff. Super nice smoke ring. And great breakfast sammie too!
Perfect piece of beef in perfect adjustment of master Bob for dinner and for breakfast.
Like everything you've ever presented, Bob, again perfection. And superb pictures are proof;)
That's a great looking brisket Bob!! Love it!! Great color, pics...I bet it even tastes to tell ya I'm actually craving breakfast now!

Nice work!!
Woh caers if yuo catn corect uyor speeling oBb...
Your Brisket looks Spectacular!! And (of course) YOUR breakfast is to LIVE for!!!

and now the famous line:
that smoke ring looks painted on!

