Actually...... I'm just fine with the mild steel expanded sheet grates in mine. Once you season them a bit, they work awfully well, and I don't have to worry about corroding away with high heat cooking. It's all mild steel.That is freaking awesome.
I want one.
I would love a Stump’s (or something very similar) with stainless racks.
I think that gravity is the best design out there unless you want to add sticks every 20 minutes.
I'd been dithering over what to build after fighting with a cheap leaky horizontal offset for a few years. It was actually here that I found the GF smokers and followed them back to smokerbuilder. Once I understood how a GF works, it was game on. Expensive, for sure, I could buy a whole fleet of vertical bullet smokers for less than just the steel in my GF, but boy does it crank out god food.