Post a picture of yourself! *****

Great big bro right there!
He can be. He's 14. And sometimes he dotes on those 2 little peanuts like a dad. Other times? Not so much :D But they can be so funny. The 3 of them will be here and they'll be quiet. Too quiet. I go look in the other room, and here he'll have the TV on to their favorite show "Bluey", and he'll be laying on the couch, and the 2 little ones will be sitting on top of him or snuggling with him. Other times he'll tease the daylights out of them. Go figure
How is the Kalahari treating you Larry?
We had a wonderful time there. It was for Renee's surprise 70th b/day. No it wasn't a surprise she was 70 :D but the number of people all there threw her. I told her on Friday I was going out to pick up a mixer for repairs from a new customer. I came home with her sister. Then we all left for the resort, got there and she saw my brother was there, his wife, his oldest son as well, then on Sat my son in law's mom gets there, my youngest daughter and her kids and partner, and then my sin in law's sister, her husband, and their 2 little ones (5yo boy and 3yo girl),
So, to say we had a real "crowd" was an understatement. And my bro. arranged for a huge private cabana with giant hot tub (big enough to swim in) for us all on Sat.
So yeah, it was a good time for all! They do a nice job there. Only real "hitch" was dinner on Sat, at the Italian rest (Sortino's) on Saturday. Service was absolutely awful. Drinks were wrong, food orders wrong, horribly slow. We waited close to an hour just for drinks!, really about the worst service I've ever had anywhere. And the food? Meh. Not much better than Olive Garden type quality IMO.
Otherwise it was the only "hiccup" in the entire weekend

