Possibly the last warm day of the foreseeable future?


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Supposed to get less pleasant tomorrow so, there were a couple of projects outdoors which needed some attention. Garage gutter needed cleaning so that was all of fifteen minutes, the hillbilly hearth got its winter coat on as well. That can come off easily enough should a fire be desired but, this will keep the thing drier than just leaving the thing wide open for snow to accumulate and make ignition more bothersome. I’ve seriously been trying to think of other little things outside to tweak but, ”I got nothing” restocking firewood might be smart but, maybe after lunch. Have not ordered any for this year yet but, should.
Whats on your “little“ project lists?
I did pretty much everything that you listed in your post, except I'll add that I stacked a cord of wood, swept the chimney and test fired the generator during the recent "heat-wave"
I have been putting off power washing the underside of my truck, putting it up on blocks and applying generous amounts of Fluid Film in preparation of the winter salt season.

And I haven’t washed my truck yet this year, so clay bar, jet seal and butter wet wax - also in preparation of the winter salt season.

And rotate the tires, of course…

Maybe change the oil a little early just because.
Put all of the grills into hibernation mode except for the E320 and Pellet grill. Covered the A/C unit and shut down the drip system.
Was 26 degrees last night .... Winter is here!
How about a nice ride to Florida?
Ya'll come on down. It's 84 F here in Boca.

You can grill as much as you want.

DH is out in the patio now, power hosing and getting everything ready. ;):giggle:

(the noise is driving me crazy:eek:)
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Gotta couple things left to do. Clean gutters back garage, chop leaves again (neighbor has these PIA softwood maples) they over hang my yard and I end up with his mess :mad:
I need to seal a crack in my concrete patio, and bring in the last of my garden hoses We've had a really warm fall in St. Louis and it seems like it's about to finally cool off.
Temperature here started dropping just before noon, and in just under 7 hours, it's gone from 68 to 36, and is forecast to get down to the low to mid 20s tonight.
Ya'll come on down. It's 84 F here in Boca.

You can grill as much as you want.

DH is out in the patio now, power hosing and getting everything ready. ;):giggle:

(the noise is driving me crazy:eek:)
I used to have a place in New Smyrna Beach......
Gotta couple things left to do. Clean gutters back garage, chop leaves again (neighbor has these PIA softwood maples) they over hang my yard and I end up with his mess :mad:
Sounds like me, except the maple is mine and is in the middle of the yard so none of my leaves fall on the neighbor's yard, but lots of hers fall on mine. I need to sharpen the mower blade before my next pass. But it beats the raking and leaf blowing I had to do at our last house (surrounded by oaks that were 40+ feet tall).
Temperature here started dropping just before noon, and in just under 7 hours, it's gone from 68 to 36, and is forecast to get down to the low to mid 20s tonight.
Oh, and parts of northern MN are predicted to get the better part of a foot of snow. I'm told there are gale warnings out on the big Lake. Speaking of which, it's time to listen to some Gordon Lightfoot.
It will be around 32-34 here today.
BUT centigrade :)
So around 90 for the metrically challenged.

Rainy season has started, but not serious yet, so quickly doing some concrete work and waterproofing.
Other than that: time to plant more veges
Anne, I remember being taught the metric system in the 70's as a small child in anticipation (I'm sure) of the US switching over to it. It obviously didn't happen here although to this day think it makes more sense for measuring with a ruler or tape measure. Also, now many things are metric too, which requires that I have two sets of tools which I don't appreciate. I am not challenged by the metric system, just annoyed by it constantly, which of course is not your fault. I will admit that the centigrade scale for tempermakes no sense to me whatsoever.
I had the chance to work on some construction projects in Germany- the metric system is really much easier than feet, inches and sixteenth of inches for measurements, hands down.

The ancient Romans would have been better off with the Hindu-Arabic number system, instead of MCMLXVI plus XIX, but the timing was off I guess.

China would be better served with an alphabetical writing/ reading system in the modern computer age.

US would possibly do better with the metric system? Yes, in my opinion.
We had unseasonably warm temps here a few days ago so I took advantage and changed the water and filters in the hot tub. We use it more in the winter than any other season. Finally finished up stacking my fire wood too!

@Steve Hoch :
Just a wee little remark about centigrade and logic.
100 oC = boiling water (212 F)
0 oC = freezing point (32 F)
And then I stop ;)
As generally, what makes sense to someone is very often were brought up with.

Anyway, Southern Hemisphere, so no winter here. But is has cooled down as our rainy season is here

