Possibly the last warm day of the foreseeable future?

And gonna park the Civic for the winter. Battery is very questionable, and really should have new tires for ice & snow.
Mid 60's here yesterday, finished packing up the inflatable hot tub just in time. As I finished cleaning gutters today, snow started falling. Game over.

Jumbo shrimp on the Silver A tonight to celebrate!
Just had a spit of snow! Spent the morning cleaning up the kitchen in advance of the holiday projects, family dinner tonight is curried chicken with what a dear friend used to call 8 stars, garnishes of peppers, banana, peanuts, diced apricot, pineapple, pepitas, coconut, chutney. I miss her, I think of her every time we have this!
Time to empty the dishwasher and have it ready for a full load after people are done.

Edit- 36 outside, feels like 29! Well, it is halfway through November…almost.
Time to light the fire for back room comfort!
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Snow actually collecting a bit out my way UGH braising short ribs in my stove top pressure cooker as I type
As you guys up north are getting colder, we got our first day of non horrific weather in months. 65 today and about the same tomorrow. As much as I hate the humid summer, I wouldn't trade it for digging out all that snow. Y'all stay warm up there. Or come hang out, we have an awesome spare bedroom.
Woke up To an inch of snow on the grill and deck! Roads are just wet but, I‘m sure I will be hearing sirens to respond to someone that has forgotten about wet leaves and cold temperatures.
I should have re stacked firewood yesterday! Oh well, I didn’t, this won’t stay. (Yeah, right!)
Tim, Looks like you got some good snow by Kzoo. Bunch of accidents on 131. Just north of GR we have probably about a foot. Had about a 120 mile commute to various spots today for work. Not fun driving but I still love winter.
Highs in the 50s which isn't bad, but the lows in the low 20s for the past two weeks is really cold for us this time of the year. No rain or snow yet but lots of wind and really dry.

