John Solak
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
A couple of pork steaks on the WSM seasoned with Lawry's, black pepper and granulated garlic, A big chunk of pecan for smoke WSM ran at 275
Steaks hitting 165.

Added a Little Bones Sucking Sauce, foiled the steaks and then back on the smoker

After almost an hour steaks are probe tender

Removed the center section of the WSM laid the top grate on the charcoal ring and gave the steaks a quick sear.

Plated with some beans, and macaroni salad.

Steaks hitting 165.

Added a Little Bones Sucking Sauce, foiled the steaks and then back on the smoker

After almost an hour steaks are probe tender

Removed the center section of the WSM laid the top grate on the charcoal ring and gave the steaks a quick sear.

Plated with some beans, and macaroni salad.