Pork Chops with Red Gravy


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Seeing that Barb has been cooking up a bunch of good stuff, I decided I would try something new. A Weber recipe from Weber’s Big Book of Grilling. Pork Chops Smothered in Red Gravy on page 186.
So here we go.

The rub

The sauce




Seasoned and warming up

Barb did sprouts on CI in the warm house.

Sorry for the lousy action shot I don’t have a light for the Ducane yet and my point & shoot doesn’t like low light or no light really.

Plated with sprouts and seasoned rice.


The chops were good but the red gravy wasn’t, had the flavor of jarred spaghetti sauce not worth the work involved. I wouldn’t make it again.

Thanks for stopping by.
Sorry you didn't like your sauce. But the meal looks delicious. Great job on the grill! That's kind of the deal with trying new stuff. Sometimes it's disappointing. Oh well at least you know one more thing not to do!
They look great, bummer the gravy wasn't to be. Just curious what temp you pulled them off at? I still prefer my chops at 165 IT, but my bride likes them at 145 IT
Looks good to me Rich. I've seen that recipe in my Big Book, but don't think I've tried it. Sure looks great you your plates.
Chops look great Rich. Pity about the sauce though.

[Maybe you've been spending far too much time *supervising Barb, & not enough time on the tools]. ;)

*Supervising does not mean drinking beer & reading Weber cookbooks. Although that appears to be the case with my supervisory skills. :p
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Sure looks super Rich!
Um, was there some sprout snacking going on?
Looks like some didn't make it to the plates :p
Sorry it didn't turn out, but it looks good from here. Oh well, sometimes you win; sometimes, not.

