


TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Sending the Florida family home this morning, made them home-made pizza last night for their sendoff. I made the dough around 10AM using Barb's original recipe (I think she has a new recipe out there now?) let the dough rise all day, making the pizzas around 6PM Sunday night

First up: Salami & Pepperoni - had to pull this one off earlier than I would have liked, it was too hot (700 degrees) - I let the fires down some, to a more manageable 600 degrees




Next up: Chicken, Home-made Bacon & Ranch dressing




Veggie pizza (daughter's recipe)




10 second sizzle video
Super looking pies Chuck, even the veggie one!

in another thread you mentioned once owning property in Murphy, MO.
As in Murphy on hwy 30 south of Fenton?
Did you live there at one time?
Super looking pies Chuck, even the veggie one! OT in another thread you mentioned once owning property in Murphy, MO. As in Murphy on hwy 30 south of Fenton? Did you live there at one time?
Oops, my bad. My property was in Murphy's CA in the Calaveras County foothills. I've never been to Murphy MO
Great looking ZA! Boys have been bugging me to make some. Guess I'll have to get some dough going!
Great Za... I still cant justify spending that much on a grill accessory. Kinda like the Pasta attachment for the Kitchen Aid..
Chuck, the pizzas look fabulous. Have three quick questions. First, you mentioned that at one point the fire was too hot. Around 700 degrees. What kind of thermometer did you use to measure? Second, what should the ideal temperature be? Lastly, do you get any smokey taste in the pies? I think a slight smokey flavor might be good. Thank you.

