


TVWBB Olympian
A meat pie:

Minced pork/beef(50/50/ tomatoe pure/onion/shrooms/corn/thyme/oregano/salt/pepper/garlic.

Fry the onion/shrooms for a min or 2...Then add the meat...and stir a bit. When brown add tomatoepaste,corn,spices,1.5dl water..and about 0.5 tablespoon of flour. Cook for 5 min then let it rest.

The dough:
3dl weat flour
150g butter
3 tablespoons of water
Mix together and rest in the fridge for 20 min.

Baked out in a tray:(poke it with a fork)

The Fire:

Doesent need mutch:

Pre bake it on the grill for 7-10 min. I used a thin pan to bake it in.

Add the meat...Top it of with some maters/chevre/basil.

When i bake this i add a pizza stone on the grate...Let it go up to a medium temp then i add the pan with the pie. If the stone is to hot the dough will burn before the toppings is cooked.

Done and served with a fast salad.

I thought of the pizza challenge when doing this...But since its a butter dough it wont cut it. But i think a pie like this is better suited then a pizza on the kettle. Been doing pizza´s with every method out there. Still go to my Primo for the pizza cooks. Not saying pizza´s cant be done and being good. Just really hard to Perfect them.

Thanks for your time ppl. Over and out!
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Daniel that looks truly delicious. Thanks for taking us through it. I'm thinking lunch for this weekend........ :)

Daniel, That's The Best Daggum Looking Pizza I've NEVER eeten!

chicago style deep dirt pizza's got NOTHING on yours!
Whoa, that's a great looking pie you have there! Yes, the bar is high!
Is it really 150g of butter AND 3 tablespoons of butter in the dough? (that's the part I know nothing about!)
I know Mr Sample...An unwanted smiley got in there:confused: .

Here is the pic that i tryed to edit in btw.

Never ever have your stone to hot. Or have the lit under a thin pan like this.

Thanks again ppl!
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