Peruvian Chicken Night


Tim Campbell

TVWBB Gold Member
So I just got my JD order and used it for the first time last night. Loved it. About 18° without the wind, and this stuff held temps with ease. Anyhow, did some tasty bird.

Spatched it, then slathered with a paste of paprika, cumin, s&p, 4 cloves garlic, white vinegar, veg oil. 24 hrs in the fridge

Indirect till internal temp hit about 110°, then skin-side down over direct heat, pressed for about 5-10 more minutes.

Note to self: definitely didn't need full chimney of JD. This stuff rocks. Skin got blacker than usual. Taste was outstanding.

Quartered it and ate the drummies shortly after this poorly composed shot

Best part was the I'm a bit of a gringo, so I removed the seeds from 3 jalapeños. 1C cilantro. Some mayo, sour cream, s&p, and white vinegar. Aji amarillo, juice of one lime. Blended. Outrageous stuff.

Not much of a plated shot but I was on my own last night. Boy's Club of one. Pants?? Optional. Whiskey? Mandatory.
Some early Steve Miller live stuff. Harmonica work on this is outstanding.
Screenshot_20220208-144337_Apple Music.jpg

Thank you to all who recommended Jealous Devil. I get it now. Have a good week, everyone!!
I think that would work really well, Chuck. Given my heavy hand with the rub/paste, I was worried that the garlic would burn too quickly. I think it would've been do-able over high heat first...
Crispy bird, and that sauce does look fantastic! You may have posted it before, but do you have a recipe for that sauce?? :)

Did you use the Raichlen recipe?
I’ve not done it as a spatchcock only as a spinner, I might just need to try one that way.
Must say that looks great!
Oh, the sauce makes a great chicken salad with the leftover bird…when there is any!
Excellent cook! That green sauce is addictive - I sometimes want to just pour myself a glass of it. Wouldn't go well w/ the whiskey though.
Crispy bird, and that sauce does look fantastic! You may have posted it before, but do you have a recipe for that sauce?? :)

Here you go, Rich! I basically use the following Seriouseats recipe. Couple variations...I use less salt and will occasionally swap out fresh lime juice in favor of pure

Here you go, Rich! I basically use the following Seriouseats recipe. Couple variations...I use less salt and will occasionally swap out fresh lime juice in favor of pure

Well, now that you post that, I know I've made it (and probably because you posted it before.....!!!!) Yep, delicious stuff. Thanks for bringing it to the front of my mind again, Tim! Great way to spice up "just chicken"!

No sweat. I just have no memory of having posted this before. I should acquaint myself with the search feature more often...
Shoot Peruvian chicken is my favorite chicken dish, I know I have posted it at least a handful of times and I love see others post of it so my vote is to keep the Peruvian chicken cooks coming!!!

