New Recipe for Pastrami and Some Burgers Too


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Wanted to try a recipe in the new Weber book New American Barbecue.
The recipe is Homemade Pastrami with Coriander-Pepper Rub the recipe uses a corned beef brisket flat.
First thing was to soak the brisket for 16 hours changing the water every two hours.
After that it was grind and mix up the spices apply the rub.
Then smoke with apple at 250 for two hours.
Next spray with water and foil and cook for another 2 ½-3 ½ hours until an IT of 190-195.
Rewrap in clean foil let stand for one hour then refrigerate for eight hours before slicing.

I’ve got to say this is the real deal according to the lady in my life. I thought so too and not salty at all.

Here’s some pictures of the cook, oh I used the SJ mini and when the pastrami was done I took off the center section and put the grate on the SJ and cooked up some burgers for dinner and Barb made some pasta salad as a side. Two cooks with one load of fuel.








This morning


Have a great week
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Well done Rich! Pastrami is something I could never be ambitious enough to try at home. Yours looks awesome!
Wow, the pastrami looks fantastic Rich! And recipe seems pretty straight forward. Love it! Burger meal looks great too!
Looks great.... except you didn't make enough pastrami.
Gotta try your pastrami recipe. My last batch was in need of improvement.
Rich I really like the looks of that pastrami. I can only imagine how good your sandwiches are going to be. I've got a corned beef in the freezer, hmm...
Great looking burgers too! I dual use whenever I can!

