He likes insta reply of his reign of terrorNice pup Chuck.
Ya done well.
...the dog days of summer.....
To be fair, that's like twice his heightOur pups aren’t crazy about their new camping bed! I think Levi thinks he’s way up in the air! View attachment 96631
He is spectacular, Chuck!! Great pic. He got a great home.He likes insta reply of his reign of terror
Congratulations Bud!He’s home, his name is Blu and he puts cats in their place
Mara looks like she knows how to ham it up for a photo.
I love that you named her Mara, and you're a Giants fanWe had a family reunion over the weekend with (l to r) our two, Finn and Millie, our breeder’s two, Camden (Millie’s grandma) Mara (Millie’s mom, Finn’s half sister), and the #sixharborsbrewdogs Buddy, Brandy (daughter of Camden, full sister to Mara and half sister to Finn) and Barley.
“Seventh” heaven !!!
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I love that you named her Mara, and you're a Giants fanBeautiful pic!
Good name.Mara isn’t actually ours, but the breeder loves the Gmen and she is TOTALLY named after the Mara’s