Never kebab pineapple next to meat



I made some Hawaiian Chicken Kebabs for dinner the other night. Started with a couple BSCB, cut into about 1" pieces on Sunday night and dusted with some "Sweet Rub O' Mine". At the same time, I hacked up a pineapple into similar sized chunks and stored them in a separate container. Monday after work, I diced up a green pepper and a red onion, then skewered them all together (onion > chicken > pineapple > pepper > repeat). After grilling direct about 5 minutes per side, I brushed on some King's Hawaiian Original BBQ sauce (which, BTW, is quite good...not at sweet as I thought it would be). They came out pretty good:

However, the chicken had a decidedly mushy or maybe even grainy texture to it. I suspect that it was the proximity to the pineapple combined with the heat (heat pushes liquid out of pineapple, chicken absorbs it). I know (from Good Eats) that pineapple is high in bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps to break down meat fibers for digestion. In this case, the breakdown just happened while cooking rather than after eating. The whole chicken/pineapple/pepper/onion combo is still delicious (esp. with that sauce), but next time, I'll just keep the pineapple away from the protein on the kebab.
Yep Chad, that's exactly what happened but, I'm a little surprised that it happened that quickly. I have had the same thing happen when someone decided that pineapple juice would be a great marinade, almost turned the chicken to goo!
The same enzymatic thing happens with citrus and things like scallops or shrimp. Doggone it, I just finished breakfast and I want some grilled shrimp!
This site is really hard on my waistline!
A while back I decided to cook the protein separate from the veggies and fruit. I put the protein on it's own skewers. I like this much better especially if I'm basting the veggies and fruit and not the protein or the other way around. Also helps with the different cooking times.

Along with Pineapple's bromelain enzyme, another equally good tenderizer is the papain enzyme found in Papaya.

Due to it's acidic nature, Buttermilk can also be used for tenderizing.
Good points Rich and Bob!
I too have opted to do proteins on their own skewer, I remember the "Beef, It's what's for Dinner" campaign with James Garner espousing the merit of skewering separately.
Bob, I don't use much papaya but, you have a valuable point there too.
I do use buttermilk on chicken quite often though.
I still remember (back in the 80s) the time I rubbed kiwi on a steak and let it sit for 5 minutes before grilling and it turned out with the texture a lot like wet cardboard.

When I skewer kabobs I keep like with like; meat with meat, onions with onions, etc. They all cook at the same time that way.
well it sure looks good - I read something about that earlier too..... I've bought a few pineapples lately, I just slice em up and eat it raw, sometimes throw some in a baggie & take it with me.
That's how yakitoris are done. Each little skewer holds only all chicken thighs, all chicken breasts, all hearts, all livers, all mushrooms, all beef, all asparagus, all tongue, or all whatever....
Yea that only happens with fresh Pineapple. Canned chunks or juice has been pasteurized and all the enzymes are briefly boiled off.
We did some Swineapples one time, and the Boneless Country style Ribs turned to mush. The bacon, while crispy, had an unappetizing mouth feel to it.

Reminds me of the time I smoked some baby backs and put them in a crock pot with pineapple for a hawaiian theme party. They were ruined and I learned my lesson.
Count me in, too, for injecting fresh pineapple juice into a turkey breast one time. The meat was mushy at best.
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Grilled pineapple, dusted with Dizzy Pig's Pineapple Head, is a crazy good dessert.


Those look great Dustin!
We did some like that, then added a onion ring and wrapped em in bacon. Brushed on some sauce and that was a KA appetizer.:)

Reminds me of the time I smoked some baby backs and put them in a crock pot with pineapple for a hawaiian theme party. They were ruined and I learned my lesson.

great info in this thread!

BBQ pit boys put up a Bacon Pineapple burger, somebody should've told them this: (and give this cook a few food handling safety tips :) )

Skewers? forget that, such a pain. my "kebabs" are not kebabs at all because I hate using the skewer. the food always rotates on it when you try to rotate it which forces you to use 2 skewers. I just cut everything up into the size you would typically put on the skewer and cook them separately.

