My wife knows her way around a Weber


Chris Allingham

Staff member


Bragging on my wife a bit...just a light dinner last night of leftover pasta & sauce BUT a freshly grilled chicken breast, pounded out and nicely seasoned, grilled to perfection at 160*F. Moist and juicy, great grill marks. Couldn't have done it better myself! And she even did the dishes...what did I do to deserve that? :)
That's great Chris, my wife is the same way a great griller and the maker of super sides. But we always do the dishes together, guess I'm not at your level yet with the dishes;)
Very cool, Chris! As soon as we're not as busy I'm going to get my wife to help me do some whole meals on the grill. I love some grilled chicken breast with spaghetti! Looks great!
The answer is, "Nothing!" sir. I'm sure, like me, you've done nothing to deserve a woman like that. Ha

Great looking meal, and perfect looking chicken.
You are a luky man! My Sweet doesn't come near to kettles for any reason. But I must say this has much more pros than contrs!!!!!
I'd die of shock if my wife ever presented me with a plate from the grill. Looks like a great meal to me.
Guess that's the sign of the times...teach your wife to run the Weber so we can sit back with a beer and observe...I'm IN !!

