My first rotisserie cook on the kettle. Stuffed and rolled belly of pork


Gary London

TVWBB Super Fan
The wife bought me the kettle rotisserie in exchange for me paying the deposit on her brand new car. Still working out who got the better part of the deal.

Anyway the obvious choice for first roti was a chook but no that is too simple I need to gamble on something more challenging.

How about a rolled, stuffed belly of pork?

I have a very good butcher - Ginger Pig - newly arrived on our high street (do you have high streets in the U.S.?). Expensive but very good quality.

Got a slab of belly for rolling. Butcher took the bones out.



I cut out a notch to help close the roll - saw it somewhere on t'internet. Didn't work out in the end but I understand the idea.


Stuffing mix came from here -


Stuffed it, rolled it, tried to tie it using the slip knots I learnt on a recent butchers course. Only problem was I forgot how to do it so resorted to good old youtube for a refresher lesson.

After several yards of butchers twine and escaped stuffing the beast is subdued and trussed.


Locked and loaded.


Into the cook, twirling nicely


Add some veg in the basement.


Unloaded and halved.


And finally plated. Had to have some green veg to cut thorough the pork fat and we only had frozen peas.


Lovely thin crispy crackling. Stuffing really nice too. I love the apricots and pine nuts. Probably overcooked it a bit but difficult balance to get the fat out and keep the meat moist. Overall very pleased with it, so was the wife and No 1 son.
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That's simply amazing Gary, you do the UK proud. I know Tony (from the UK) is going to be all over this, pork belly is his favorite
Nailed that one Gary. I'm jealous. Love my rotisserie on the Q. Looks like you're loving yours too.
Gary, you did an awesome cook and that plated pic is outstanding. Just one thing, you forgot to send the invites out for dinner!:eek:
Rolled & stuffed pork-belly on the roti??


And I'm all over this....⬇.........Like a cheap suit!!

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If I had seen this post before getting my belly in a cure yesterday, I think I would have been feasting on rotisserie pork heaven for dinner (not sure I would have shared any!!!)

This looks like a fabulously decadent treatment for pork belly. Will definitely give this a go!

Damn that looks awesome, i've only spun pork bellys on my roti so far lol and i have one in the fridge marinating, getting ready to spin when I get home. That stuffing looks damn good too, might have to give that a try next time!

