Marks random grilling pics.

The results of my first WSM cook are in.

The meat was super tender and just fell apart when lifting to the cutting board.

The flavor is amazing. I do believe I'll keep the WSM, and learn to use it for bigger and better projects.

Beautiful pics and scenery, Mark.
It might just be my eyes, but the image at the top of this page (ribs from your first wsm cook) is so vibrant that it almost looks 3D. Just me???
There should be a warning at the top of this post. "DO NOT look at pics on an empty stomach". Awesome pics. I tired to do some pics of the smoke coming out of the top of my smoker and they were nothing compared to yours. My phone does not compare to a excellent camera and lens.
There should be a warning at the top of this post. "DO NOT look at pics on an empty stomach". Awesome pics. I tired to do some pics of the smoke coming out of the top of my smoker and they were nothing compared to yours. My phone does not compare to a excellent camera and lens.
Thank you!

If I'm making people hungry with my photos and food, well, I'm doing something right!
Seriously, Mark, you could always fall back on a career as a food photographer/stager. These are better than a lot of professional stuff that's out there now.
Thank you! I try. Getting dark out these days so I had to break out the flash for the few above shots. I don't use my flash very often, but I like how these turned out. I may have to use it more often.
I got paid for some photo work with a new Macro lens. When I start cooking outdoors again, I'll be sure to use it and see how it goes for food photos.


Here's a quick snap of a biscuit I made today.


And some cheeseburger mac too.
I used this Kroger Brand rub with Worshtishereriadofkajdokajdf as a binder.

It was fall apart delicious.

smoked to internal of 170
wrapped in foil with some apple juice until 200
rested in my Grizzly cooler for 1 hour. (the most difficult part of the cook)


This WSM is really working out well for me.

Random shot with the Macro lens of backyard stuff.

As mentioned already, great photography work you are doing. Makes those cooks even more enticing.

I need to practice more photography with my cooks, thanks for the inspiration.

