M-Day Lamb Leg


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
We were scheduled to have leg of lamb for Easter (as per usual), but my f-i-l was ill that day, so we ended up doing takeout. So, a few weeks of sheltering in place later, the frozen, then defrosted l-o-l made it to my house in advance of Mother's Day. I decided that the rotisserie was the best choice for this cook, so I fired up the Performer with a chimney of coals and got things set up with coal baskets on either side of the spit.

Opened up the leg, and it got salt, pepper, and a mustard/oil slather with fresh herbs from the garden:



When the coals were ready, I dumped half on each side, and got the lamb on the spit. The grill ran at about 400F with the bottom vent closed. After about 90 minutes, we had lamb:


I let the lamb rest for about 15 minutes, while I broiled some zucchini, reheated some mashed taters/gravy, and poured a cocktail. Then I sliced the lamb up (ended up with a mix of med rare/med/well), and we tucked into our feast:



We had a very enjoyable meal with my in-laws (properly distanced in our backyard, at the far end of our table.)

Oh, and today was bread day, too:


Hope you all had an opportunity to celebrate the moms in your life today! Thanks for stopping by....

What a great post Rich. Everything looks wonderful. The two plated shots are as good as it gets. I've had a hankering for lamb, fueled by discovering a rack in the freezer over the weekend. I'll have to get to it soon. Of course the bread looks terrific. Perky little ear on your score!

