Just when I thought I was through they pull me back in

I'm in touch with her. She followed up with this photo. As much as I like it I'm not liking it $100 worth. I'm thinking $50 max. IF I didn't have the Silver B waiting in the wings, the Genesis 2000 I got last fall to "save Bruce" and that Summit still waiting outside to be cleaned up and new xover burners and sold I'd feel differently
I try to make it a point to not "insult" people. She's asking $100 and someone might go $75 but the time of year and most not knowing what it is I doubt it. However if I offer her $50 in her mind I'm t 50% of what she wants. IMO it's an insult to the seller. However if she drops the price to say $75 now a $40 off does not sound THAT bad and could more likely result in a yes or at last a compromise.
I try to make it a point to not "insult" people. She's asking $100 and someone might go $75 but the time of year and most not knowing what it is I doubt it. However if I offer her $50 in her mind I'm t 50% of what she wants. IMO it's an insult to the seller. However if she drops the price to say $75 now a $40 off does not sound THAT bad and could more likely result in a yes or at last a compromise.

Your logic is sound, but you are going to be sorry if you let that rare grill slip you by over $25.:( I say make her a fair offer of $75. I wish we didn’t live half a country apart. Otherwise, I would see if I could help you out of that classic Summit with the prerequisite that you get and restore this extra special Genesis (with a Summit frame).
Thanks Jon. It's just I have so many things on my plate (some are almost in crisis mode) and as much under normal conditions as I would be on that thing like white on rice right now grills are not really in the wheel house. I have to see some of the crises through before my head will be back onto how badly I might like this grill. If she drops the $$ on her listing though I might be able to squeak out $50 for it and if not it's not the issue that wil keep me up at night. Other things are weighing FAR more heavily on my mind :(
There will always be another grill. I don't think there are a lot of specimens out there that are so unique that they will never be seen again. If the time ain't right or the situation or the deal ain't right, it ain't right. That is what I have come to learn in my days of chasing grills and grill parts.
I know you have a lot on the plate right now Larry, I understand and applaud your self control. I got lucky when I found my ‘97 maroon Genny. They are out there, and patience is oft rewarded. When the stars align for you, there will be another one. Let this one go to another restorer.
I understand completely.
Thanks Jon. It's just I have so many things on my plate (some are almost in crisis mode) and as much under normal conditions as I would be on that thing like white on rice right now grills are not really in the wheel house. I have to see some of the crises through before my head will be back onto how badly I might like this grill. If she drops the $$ on her listing though I might be able to squeak out $50 for it and if not it's not the issue that wil keep me up at night. Other things are weighing FAR more heavily on my mind :(


I didn't mean to put REAL pressure on you, just having fun (and giving you an excuse if you DID get that grill;)). I do agree with the others that there will always be another grill. I saw one of those "Flat Top" Webers that I think are so cool referenced on the Weber Kettle Club site. The Craigslist ad is still up, but it is in California:mad: and priced very high. So, I am taking the same advice that if it is meant to be, it will work out without me forcing it. They are cool but probably useless anyway:(!

Hopefully another of the early Genesis Gold grills will come your way when it is that right time.

Yep me too. At the very least I would like to at least downsize. I need to start unloading my house and garage.
Larry, you and me both. Like I said earlier we went from a 2600 sf. house with a 1000 sf. walk in storage area on the lower floor for a total of 3600 sf. to a 1600 sf. house. I've actually got to the point in my garage I have to pick something up to put something down. I hate it!
On top of that I just found another skyline in Phoenix that looks to be in excellent condition for $45.
Larry, you and me both. Like I said earlier we went from a 2600 sf. house with a 1000 sf. walk in storage area on the lower floor for a total of 3600 sf. to a 1600 sf. house. I've actually got to the point in my garage I have to pick something up to put something down. I hate it!
On top of that I just found another skyline in Phoenix that looks to be in excellent condition for $45.

It really is raining Skylines! I just saw a two burner on OfferUp listed under the shipping section but he wouldn’t actually ship. Another deliverance for my wife:o!
I wil chime in that I also hope it works out. Your listing looks like a very good deal, so that Gold might still happen after all!
Yep a guy from the worship (music) team at my church contacted me last night to buy it but wife and I were at out study group and I could not accommodate him. He offered me $40 and I held out for $45. (I'm not trying to make a killing here). So since I did not resto on it and he's gonna have to buy either a hose or regulator for it, flavo bars and do whatever he wants to "put it totally right" I'm OK with $45. Ad, I just might still make my way to that darn Genesis Gold yet! If it's available. I told the potential buyer for $10 I'd throw in a gas hose. Do ya think that's reasonable?
Yah, Larry sounds like a good deal for everyone. You get $45, you get the space and he gets a nice grill that will be a great cooker with some simple work.

