Stefan, are you going to try and get it?
Wow, theres a whole lot of glass and dishes in that place.
Stefan: Yah, that is just a toy on top of the lid...haha. Anyway, what is the top price you would consider to drive out and check it out?
Are those "Handles" on the left side factory or are they add ons?
I feel like I am at a 12 Step Weberholics meeting with a bunch of very undisciplined members.
I am sure someone on this forum would love this. I guess they were salesman samples.
Bingo!It looks like the same old Teleflora flower arrangement kettles that have been around for years.
Yep, Bruce, that would be me and a few others here!
I actually got off easy with my wife when my German treasures were revealed. Maybe because I really did think about her and my sons and brought them something, too. Faith loves books and snow, so a beautifully illustrated book about snow people was a hit even if in German. When you use the Google translate camera it gives some funny translations. A little like the inscrutable English instructions that accompany some things from China!
I can’t really see it being likely that Jr. would make a cost effective parts source. It is begging for a proper restoration of what it is. If it does turn out to be cheap and you strip off the tables, I would recommend you offer the remaining unique Jr. parts here on the forum. Someone surely would be interested in saving a Jr. - hopefully someone in driving distance since freight would be the deal killer.