I will just leave this here

The wife and I had friends that had a Chevette in the early 80s. I agree it wasn't a bad car at all. Better than most American made cars of that era.

One of the coolest cars I can remember in my teens was a 67 Corvette. In pristine shape. Belonged to a friend of my brothers whose father bought it for him at 16!! Not really a good first vehicle for a 16 year old. It's a wonder he didn't kill himself or someone else. Sadly he trashed that beautiful car in a few years.
Well, maybe the Chevette improved a little over time, but I sure don't have good memories of my friend's first year model. Chrysler finally got into the front-wheel drive, small car thing, and I think the Omni/Horizon duo offered a lot better car than the Chevette. The Chevette was a rear-wheel drive setup. I remember the transmission/drive shaft tunnel taking up most of the inside of the car.

Of course, by that time the tsunami of superior built Hondas and Toyotas was beginning its huge crest. I used to laugh at Hondas until I saw the first 4-door Accord in the early 80's. It was two car sizes smaller than today's mid-size offering. But, you could see and feel the quality that was lacking from the comparable offerings from US companies at that time. Almost a pocket Mercedes. It took Detroit a long time to catch up, and now that they do offer some compelling small cars, nobody wants cars. Most are being canceled to concentrate on making SUVs:confused:.
Jon you keep taking me down memory lane. The wife and I bought an 84 Plymouth horizon in 85 or 86? It was a good car for us. The front wheel drive was a revelation in bad weather and it was a 5 speed so it got great gas mileage. We kept it quite a while.

My mom bought an Accord in the mid 80s. Just a great car. She kept it a long time.
When I was working at the phone co. we had a fleet of Chevettes all in all they were not a bad car for the day. Maintenance wise they were as good as any of the others we had.
My Dad gave me his Omni O/24 2door and that little four banger would $#!+ and GIT! I beat the stuffing out of the poor thing, 300K+ when I traded it in after not one oil change in probably 100, started every time, traded it with the donut spare. That was an amazing vehicle! Some guy that lived a few blocks away ended up with it an he drove it for another four or five years. I feel guilty about the abuse that poor thing suffered under my hands.
Good memories of that one.
Dang, I just missed out on a Silver B blue head. I didn't see the posting until 42 minutes after they posted it and it was already spoken for. They were asking $60.

Dang, I just missed out on a Silver B blue head. I didn't see the posting until 42 minutes after they posted it and it was already spoken for. They were asking $60.


I hear ya. There is one for sale about 40 miles from me since weeks. I have asked the seller several times if he still has it and the answer has always been yes. But whenever I try to make an appointment the seller either does not reply or does not have time.....
How much is the guy asking. It has the black knobs and end rails. Aside from the enclosed cabinet, I like that grill.
I have no idea what the sludge looked like, I traded the poor old horse in. That was a great car!
Clear your inbox out, sent you a message and it could not be delivered.
How much is the guy asking. It has the black knobs and end rails. Aside from the enclosed cabinet, I like that grill.

He is asking $100. But so far he does not even seem to be interested to meet. Last time I was in his area I texted him the day before and he told me to text him when I was close. When I did next day he responded that he wouldn't be home for a couple of hours.... Today I texted him again if the grill was still for sale. He responded yes. But when I asked if could come by Thursday or Friday: No response....
That Blue Silver with the pinstripe and black knobs and trim IS pretty sharp! Hang in there, Stefan. It took me at least a month to land one of mine:rolleyes:!
The online sales marketplace is filled with shadier characters than those real life dudes in trench coats selling watches ...
Dang, I just missed out on a Silver B blue head. I didn't see the posting until 42 minutes after they posted it and it was already spoken for. They were asking $60.


Looks like I still have a shot at this grill. The other buyer didn't show last night. I am scheduled to pick it up Sunday AM. Hopefully nothing changes between now and then. While it is going to cost me $60 which is about $10 more than I have paid for any of my other grills, I am grabbing it because it will be on the way to visit my folks and I just love the Blue Heads. This also has the black side handles as well, which I like and this would be one of the newer Silver B's.
My buddy has the same grill. He bought it new when they first came out. He must like blue heads because this past summer when he bought his camper and new Q1200 to go with he bought another blue head

