Every forum needs a Joan! We are lucky to have you.Yes there is. ha ha ha ha But I escaped!!!!!!! he he he he
This, and being able to enter a website link into the Pap app and have it automatically download and format recipes is just totally awesome.Using Paprika, you can store printed recipes as pictures and still use many of the apps features.
This might be TMI (lol)When it is time to use a recipe, we take it out of it's binder and tape it to a sheet of paper. The date it is made goes up at the top and also below the recipe after it is made. We also mention who made it, and who also ate it. Then we comment on how it tasted , any changes to be made if made again and give it a rating. We use, Excellent, Very Good, Good, OK, No. We then put them in a binder for that year. We now have a record of every recipe we have made since 1988. We are working on Binder 6.
Oh, forgot to mention. I also make a notation on the paper the date if I posted the recipe here.
Those five are just the Table of Contents.