Had to share this one


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Hey, gang! I've been cooking as much as always, but just haven't posted anything as it seemed like nothing new to share. Today's cook isn't really something new, but sometimes something just turns out so good that ya gotta share.......

I had the day off today, and I put the offer out to a few folks to come on over and unplug from everything with some grub, a few cocktails, and no TV's. I hit up Costco on Monday, and while investigating what the meat department had to offer, a package of Chuck Short Ribs practically leapt into my cart! :) I've looked at these the last few Costco trips, and most of them seemed to be a bit on the thin side......but not this package. Nice and thick, well marbled, and just begging for some smoke treatment.

This morning, I broke them out of the package, trimmed off the surface fat and silver skin, then dusted them up with rub. One rack got Dizzy Pig Red Eye Express, the other got DP Raising the Steaks. I set the pellet grill up for a 225F cook, and on they went. Quite a few hours later (5.5 or so), both racks had cleared the stall, so I wrapped them in pink butcher paper, and then I dropped the pit to 205F as things were going faster than I wanted. When 6pm rolled around, 9 hours from the start, the smaller of the two racks was about 195F and probing very tender, so I pulled it and dropped it in my cooler with some towels. The larger rack took another hour, by which time we had devoured the first rack after it rested for about 30 minutes.

Tender, beefy, like the best combination of a brisket and a ribeye cap, and did I mention tender.....and beefy? One of the best things I've produced from a smoker in a while! Just a few pics along the way......



One of the racks pre-slicing:


Rack #1 sliced:


Rack #2 Sliced:


I'll do these again....and again.....

Q on!

Great job with the ribs, Rich! I don't think they could've turned out any better!

I've been cooking as much as always, but just haven't posted anything as it seemed like nothing new to share.
Yeah, that song's getting sung around here, too. Not too much boundary expansion going on right now.

BTW, is that some store-bought bread I see in the background?;)
BTW, is that some store-bought bread I see in the background?;)
Good eye, Brad, but, nope, that's mine. I'm just nerdy enough to have those bags for the loaves that I deliver to neighbors....spruces up the presentation a bit (and, during current times, people like delivery in a bag.) :)

I don't know the rubs you used personally but the bark and the smoke penetration look fabulous. I know exactly how the texture on those tasted....I moved from briskets to primarily beef ribs, that layer of fat just off the bone.............and the juiciness.........
Can you tell I'm hungry and terrorizing myself here? 🥲
Glad to see you leave the membrane on, it's the only way to keep the bone on.
I don't know the rubs you used personally but the bark and the smoke penetration look fabulous. I know exactly how the texture on those tasted....I moved from briskets to primarily beef ribs, that layer of fat just off the bone.............and the juiciness.........
Can you tell I'm hungry and terrorizing myself here? 🥲
Glad to see you leave the membrane on, it's the only way to keep the bone on.
Darryl, I've used the DP rubs for over 15 years since I met the founder, Chris Capell, on the old BGE forum. He was a new competitor then, and was just starting up the business in his garage (DP Dizzy Dust was the original, and still my go-to rub.) Great guy, and has enjoyed great success with his company. There are a plethora of commercial rub options, and, of course, endless recipes for making your own, so lots of choices (hopefully that's true up North, too!) :)

....and, yeah, membrane off pork ribs, membrane ON beef ribs.....otherwise the bones just fall right out! :)

It's actually hard to get competition spices around here, you sort of need to know what you want and then try to buy them from the supplier ( eg. Killer hogs is what I have been using the most ). Once you realize they won't ship here, mainly since COVID I contact them and they usually direct me towards a Canadian supplier. In the case for killer hogs I found a supplier I could drive to rather than ship, its 45 minutes away, very nice.
My go to for most beef including dino ribs like yours and short braised ribs is the killer hogs AP rub. Basically 4 parts salt, 2 parts garlic, and 1 part pepper. Now this all purpose rub needs more pepper, you can add a meat church holy cow which is strong in pepper or just fresh ground works too.
I'm still enjoying those pictures................it's been about 2 months since cooked for me and I apparently need to do it again soon.
I will be sure to post some pictures too!
Those look amazing! I will look next Costco trip I make! My wife’s son, granddaughter and grandson and I would be happy as can be gnawing on those!
Planning on a nice chicken for tonight, a butt for Saturday and I might throw a chuck roast in there too, why not use the space to best advantage.
I picked up some “Operation Barbecue Relief” all purpose rub at Lowe’s the other day, it’s pretty good, and they give a buck to OBR for every bottle purchased! I think I will pick up some more.
looking good! so delicious - I like the Chico State mug too. I remember hitchhiking through there in the early 80's i think it was. My frisbee melted and my white gas container expanded so much it couldn't stand up right...it was hot!

