Grilled Bird


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
the next day, using the 26"OTG, seasoned up some chicken quarters with Tasty Licks



Liz gathered some beans and carrots from the garden...


got the bird on...



indirect and direct until near perfection...





a few minutes later, dinner was plated up with those carrots & beans with some baked beans.


DangGood Shé~cone.... Thanks for stoppin' by!
With Liz' green thumb, and your deft hand at the grill, everything had to be Fantastic!!

first pic is background material!
The most beautiful chicken legs I've seen in a long time, Jim!
You have a good cooperation at your home;)
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Is that a beverage in Liz's right hand? Much respect for the multi-tasking. ;)

Good looking bird, Jim. Even better with the fresh veg from the garden.
Sure looks good Jim. "Don't forget to drink your beans". Good idea!
How bad did Liz get bite by mosquitoes? Need more Deet, let me know.
Jim "Living the good life" Lampe;
Great post, Jim!

Thanks AGAIN for sharing!! Your cooks are always instructive as well as entertaining...

Keep on smokin',
thanks guys!

where did you pick up that garden fencing?
I guess at a garden store Ryan... i'm sure it can be found all over the place.

Is that a beverage in Liz's right hand?
;) it was Jim... bringing it back home for a refill, i'm sure.

How bad did Liz get bite by mosquitoes? Need more Deet, let me know. Chuck.
They're horrible Chuck! We do/did need more but just bought some today:(
Thanks again!
That's some great looking chicken! I wish I could have a garden,but with all the rabbits, raccoons, and gophers that frequent the yard I give up!
Meh, you're an okay cook Jim...I guess I'd eat some of that if I had to :)

In all honesty, I think the chicken quarter is one of the most underrated cuts of yard bird. If everyone in the world could cook as well as Lampe does the price would go through the roof!

