Grilled BCOT for the Fourth?


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
I was craving a Bloody Mary, no vodka? no problem, got gin.
No BM mix or tomato juice? problem.
Blender up a can of Rotel tomatoes, problem solved, we now have a Bloody Ruddy!

I decided to hold off my pork steak cook until Sunday, so I made a BCOT.
Grilled bacon, cheese, onion, and tomato sandwich.


Have to save that bacon nectar.

Mess in place. That's an heirloom tomato from the farmer's market, and bread from a local Italian bakery.





Jo had a regular BLT, but I don't need no stinkin' lettuce!
Honestly, one of the best things I've eaten lately.

Clean up is a snap, a little water on a hot griddle, and the gunk scrapes right off.

Have a great rest of your weekend folks!!
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Excellent looking sandwich. The picture with the homemade bloody and the World's Greatest Dad framed is classic. Great stuff!
looks dang good Bob!
gotta say, before clicking on your link, I tried to figure out what Grilled BCOT was... all I got right was the bacon part....
Amazing Bob, absolute amazing. Another good thing to cook withe the harvested bacon grease is Pop Corn. I love Pop Corn cooked in bacon grease
When I saw this post Bob, immediately I had done something similar for dinner. Not on the grill:(without Bloody Ruddy:(
Your BCOT looks better and certainly was tastier. Thanks Bob.
Nice, BLTs are the best sandwiches ever, especially with garden grown tomatoes, your version looks like a winner too!!!!
Awesome lookin' sammich, Bob!

Can't go wrong when bacon, onion, cheese, bread and butter are involved!:D

I'm a gin fan, so the Bloody Ruddy would work just fine for me.:cool:

Super photos as well.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Bob that BCOT looks fantastic but I'm not so sure about the BM. You just have to work with what you have.:rolleyes:

