That's a good one Rich I have a set of the Stamped Stainless from BBQ parts I know most hate the stamped grates but I really love them, have the q's for the C which I have not used yet so don't have to stress either way which way to face them. CI in ATL not a viable option anyway to much maintenance even then with the humidity they would be toast if you did not maintain them.
Jon, I like the sear marks on the pointed up grates much better than the flat. You are in FL must be a chore to maintain the CI your humidity worse than ours I would imagine.
Greg, I think it was you who turned me on to those BBQ stamped parts grates. At the time the Q rods were not for sale nor many other knockoffs and I will tell you that I have been totally satisfied, they are USA made fairly heavy and the quality is excellent. They are on the 1000 which is going to my daughter next year when she buys a house and I have no doubt those grates will outlive me.
Well, I was about to write a strong defense for wide-side up, but first decided to READ THE SPIRIT II OWNER'S MANUAL!I know many of you say they are NOT to be used that way, I couldn't see any reason why a person couldn't use them either way depending on personal preference. Am I missing something?