Go-Anywhere Cook On the Coast


Phil M

TVWBB Member
So, Linda & I are having a few days on the Suffolk coast. Aldeburgh in East Anglia is one of our favourite ever places so a cheeky break here is always a treat for us. We brought along our charcoal Go-Anywhere thinking we'd throw a few burgers and sausages on the grill but we found something much more to our liking today at the local craft butchers; Boerewors, the african "farmers sausage". We've made this ourselves on a couple of occasions and that's been delicious so it was a very welcome sight today. Anyway, here's the pics:

Getting my baby Weber ready:


Boerewors on the grill, indirect first:


Done cooking indirect, now over the coals for a little colour:


Cooked through:


Plated, on white jumbo hot-dog rolls with sweet piccalilli on the base and coleslaw above. Linda made me have some salad too (that's the kinda greeny looking stuff on the other half of the plate). Glass of New Zealand, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc completed the deal. Unexpected and very welcome boerewors surprise, the little CGA was a delight as usual.


Just gonna add another pic of last night's CGA cook. Spicy marinated pork shoulder steaks, butcher's own premium beef burgers and baked potatoes. Very tasty, very quick to cook and equally quickly eaten. Sorry, no plated pics but went down very well with a glass of Merlot-heavy Bordeaux. Yum!!:

Thanks for looking.
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I always liked the more tangy paccalilli to the sweet one. I think because my Mum & Dad like the more trad one to the sweet one. I liked the vinegary/tumeric taste.
I always liked the more tangy paccalilli to the sweet one. I think because my Mum & Dad like the more trad one to the sweet one. I liked the vinegary/tumeric taste.

Hehe, I know exactly what you mean though to each his own. I love the original piccalilli with cheeses and cold meats but it's good to have an alternative to accompany a wider range of foods. Linda & I had a conversation today about this and concluded that Co-op's sweet piccalilli was about halfway between traditional and most other sweet versions. Try it, you might like it. (I don't make piccalilli, just eat it, so no axe to grind here). I'd really like to hear what you'd think of Co-op's offering. (I don't work for Co-op either, or any piccalilli related industry).
Great looking meals!

I've had boerewors once and loved them. My brother in law fell in love with them when they lived in SA for a few years and introduced me to them. Must go grab some soon - there's a market not far from here that sells them.
Great looking food! What a great idea to take the Go Anywhere on your trip and make the most of local markets and butcher shops. Thanks for sharing!

