Genny Plat for $50- restoration money pit???

Is that one yours too, Ed?
Yes. The owner, a young man who owned a machine shop, was the second owner and didn't use if very much and it was gathering dust in a corner of his shop. The original owner didn't use it much, either, but the best part of the story is that he delivered it to my home for $10. When he got here we went out to his truck and I thought I was going to help him muscle the grill out of the truck but he just grabbed the entire grill in a bear hug and set it on the ground. On my best day ever I could never do that.
Yes. The owner, a young man who owned a machine shop, was the second owner and didn't use if very much and it was gathering dust in a corner of his shop. The original owner didn't use it much, either, but the best part of the story is that he delivered it to my home for $10. When he got here we went out to his truck and I thought I was going to help him muscle the grill out of the truck but he just grabbed the entire grill in a bear hug and set it on the ground. On my best day ever I could never do that.
Well, she's a beauty. I definitely have a soft spot for those platinum series grills, and the red lid really makes it.
Well, she's a beauty. I definitely have a soft spot for those platinum series grills, and the red lid really makes it.
The other piece to the story is that I had just bought a Silver C a couple of days prior and then this one (the Platinum) showed up for sale. The first signs of Weberitis and I got a lot of side-eye from the wife on that one. I told her I would sell the Silver (of course, I didn't). I figured out pretty quickly that if I took her along on my grill pick-ups there would be a lot more happy wife, happy life (she loves to travel).
The other piece to the story is that I had just bought a Silver C a couple of days prior and then this one (the Platinum) showed up for sale. The first signs of Weberitis and I got a lot of side-eye from the wife on that one. I told her I would sell the Silver (of course, I didn't). I figured out pretty quickly that if I took her along on my grill pick-ups there would be a lot more happy wife, happy life (she loves to travel).
That's funny. The last time I took my wife on a road trip to get a grill I just go eye rolling and "We came all this way to get THAT!" And that was with me working in a whole day trip for her to enjoy with just a brief time for pickup. That one was a loser, even though free, because the firebox was totally corroded through like Swiss cheese. I did get a red hood out of it at least.
I am pretty much in your boat Jon. I don't get a lot of enthusiasm when I ask my wife to drive an hour with me to grab a grill. She tolerates my hobby but doesn't go out of her way to partake in it in any way.
That's funny. The last time I took my wife on a road trip to get a grill I just go eye rolling and "We came all this way to get THAT!" And that was with me working in a whole day trip for her to enjoy with just a brief time for pickup. That one was a loser, even though free, because the firebox was totally corroded through like Swiss cheese. I did get a red hood out of it at least.
Mine is what I call "a wonderer". She is always wondering about something when we start driving down the road. I usually tell her to Google it but that is almost guaranteed to cause a heated reaction. When the kids were growing up we had this dictionary that was about 10 inches thick and whenever the kids would ask me how to spell something I'd point to the dictionary and tell them to look it up...I get the same reaction from the wife as I did with the kids back then.
That's another winner. Are you just collecting these, or are you going to restore them?
Yes. No. I don't know. My wife won't let me have any girlfriends so this is my substitute for having a harem. I think it might be a good thing that Jon and I don't live next to each other.

I haven't tried to define it, but I can say that I do a lot more looking and a lot less picking up with a stable of grills. The grills keep throwing themselves at me, but it's easier to resist these days.
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You know what is really crazy? I have a One-Touch Platinum, bought new almost 20 years ago from Amazon...I can still remember the day the delivery truck (no Amazon trucks in those days) dropped the carton off in the street.


and I see something like this Performer, and I have to go over all the reasons why I don't need this. I don't like the Dark Blue as much as the Cobalt Blue, Black is better because you can find a black kettle anywhere for a replacement, I don't need nor would I use the gas assist, I wouldn't use the charcoal storage bin either, I'd have to give up my ol' faithful OTP (not gonna), and then I'll pass on it. When I check the ads again and see it again the next day, I repeat the process. I am continually reminding myself of all the reasons why I don't need this.

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I can relate to this. I used to be this way about guns. I had a pretty large collection of stuff that I knew very well I would never really use or even want. I was able to overcome that addiction by replacing it with three expensive children. As far as grills go, I have a very narrow view of what I find desirable which prevents me from amassing too many of them.
You know what is really crazy? I have a One-Touch Platinum, bought new almost 20 years ago from Amazon...I can still remember the day the delivery truck (no Amazon trucks in those days) dropped the carton off in the street.

View attachment 40574

and I see something like this Performer, and I have to go over all the reasons why I don't need this. I don't like the Dark Blue as much as the Cobalt Blue, Black is better because you can find a black kettle anywhere for a replacement, I don't need nor would I use the gas assist, I wouldn't use the charcoal storage bin either, I'd have to give up my ol' faithful OTP (not gonna), and then I'll pass on it. When I check the ads again and see it again the next day, I repeat the process. I am continually reminding myself of all the reasons why I don't need this.

View attachment 40573

I tried to get this one but was too slow.

Believe it or not, I've let 2 or 3 free Performers go by. They don't last long at that price, that's for certain, but I'm really loyal to my OTP.
I've only had my OTP a little while, but I like it.

The performer looks like a nicer cart and stands a little taller. Mostly I like the blue kettle.

I just need to stop looking and spend more time cooking.
We are getting a bit off topic (as usual!) but that is the exact same one I have. Mine is a DU (2002), of course. Really, that's all I need, then as well as now, a kettle with a table. Cute little thing, kinda warms the cockles of my heart seeing another one.
We are getting a bit off topic (as usual!) but that is the exact same one I have. Mine is a DU (2002), of course. Really, that's all I need, then as well as now, a kettle with a table. Cute little thing, kinda warms the cockles of my heart seeing another one.
Mine is DH code 2004.

And since they are both platinum, its almost on topic.

