I'd say don't put an ignitor on the side burner, mostly because of your comment about not likely using it. My grill was a 3000 first, and I replaced the missing stainless lid for the side burner and everything. I had the side burner on for about two years and never used it one time, so I took it off and made another side table, therefore I now have a 2000. I like it a lot better, if I want to put a beverage down and not let it heat up, I use that right hand side table because it is further from the firebox. I also don't have flip up tables because with the two side tables I just don't need them.
Long winded way to suggest that if you think you won't use the side burner you probably won't. I completely fixed up that 3000 because I was excited and so spent a few steaks' worth on the side burner when in the end it is in a milk crate in my basement now. My Weberitis was full fledged when I got the 3000, high grill acquisition rates coupled with part purchases, various scrubs of fire boxes, wood slat adventures and everything. I was infected pretty badly with the Weberitis. We have it to the point where I'm living with the disease now. Occasionally I'll have a flareup, like that recent 1000 I did for a family friend, but those pop up rarely, and once the projects are isolated and taken care of I can keep it under control for a while. I don't think there is a cure, but it is manageable at this point. Rotisserie chicken and pizza have taken a lot of my focus away from flavorizer bars and emblem painting lately, and I'm pretty sure these things were made to cook with!
By the way, I know what the word parallax means. Why is that part of your user name just out of curiosity?