Fundraiser for Steve Dixon: Weber Owner & Middletown Fire Victim

I agree that Chris should not foot the PayPal bill. He's done more than enough just getting this going and tracking it.
Here's the status as of this morning.


As for the PayPal fees, I dug deeper into the fee structure and it's 2.9% of the donation amount + 30¢ per transaction. So far, I'm on the hook for my donation of $50 + $43.75 in fees = $93.75. I think it's fair that I pay these fees because everyone who's donated so far chose to do so given my original comment that I would pay the fees. I want to honor that promise.

What I'd like to propose moving forward is that I will make my $50 donation and will pay fees up to a maximum of $50. Beyond that, any donations made will be minus the 2.9% + 30¢ transaction fee.

Sound good?

And remember, it's not the size of your donation that matters, it's that you extended a helping hand to a fellow Weber owner in his time of need. Even a $5 donation helps!

Chris, you do so much for all of us that I think the fees should come off the top. Given the fact that we have already passed the $1000.00 goal, it is only fair that the fees come off the top. Just my thought, but I bet most here will agree.
I agree with the others. You exceeded the goal. Take the fee off the top. You done good Chris A. Don't punish yourself for doing the right thing.

To those who donated to the point of exceeding the original goal: thank you. You make me proud to be associated with you.
I'm so priveliged to contribute a little to Steve Dixon's help. Even if one is bad off, there is always someone who is needier. I can't imagine losing everything. Chris is a great humanitarian for doing this. Thank you, Chris. You make a great website even better by adding heart.

Best of luck to Steve. I'm so totally choked up. I love that we can reach out to a like minded individual who loves what we love.

Brett Fields
Junkyard Barbeque.
I haven't logged on here in a few days, so I just saw this thread... I'm in!

And I agree with those that the fees should be paid out of the total donations.

Chris, I'm sure I'm speaking for others when I express my sincere thanks to you for putting this together, and for living up to your promise to pay the fees, but I'm happy for part of my donation to help with that.

If you insist on paying the fees yourself, I swear I'll start another PayPal donation to pay them back to you!
I mentioned this fundraiser in the TVWB News monthly email newsletter today and received 6 donations totaling $185. Here's where we stand:


