Firewires feeling lonely



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Tonight was kebabs. I hate cooking kebabs. They are labor intensive, and its hard to get everything cooked just right. But my bride loves them and I have to indulge her every so often. ;) Chicken, zukes, red pepper and onion marinated in "Soy Vey". I added some sesame oil and a little fresh orange juice. Grilled them up on the Q.

Here they are, waiting for the grill to warm up:

About a third of the way through the cook:

Done and resting while I cook up some organic Ramen noodles:

And finally, on the platter and ready for serving:

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Tasty looking healthy cook, you say you don't like cooking kabobs, but you mastered this one.
I may have to get my fire wire out I got for christmas... I too hate grilling/making kabobs... If I was better at it, my last grill (not Weber) would not have completely caught on fire... *lowers head*
Fantastic looking kebobs and pics!! Yeah they are a little labor intensive but really good. When using my firewires I put the same thing on each firewire, meat on one, onion on another, mushrooms on another, etc. You get a more even cook that way and they are taken off the skewers anyway so you lose that aspect of alternating things on a stick presentation
Gorgeous looking cook. I can't remember the last time I've cooked kabobs, but after seeing yours, it's on my to do list. Bet it tasted excellent.
Fantastic looking kebobs and pics!! Yeah they are a little labor intensive but really good. When using my firewires I put the same thing on each firewire, meat on one, onion on another, mushrooms on another, etc. You get a more even cook that way and they are taken off the skewers anyway so you lose that aspect of alternating things on a stick presentation

I agree with you. I find it much easier to put all the meat on one skewer, the onions and peppers on another, the mushrooms on another, and the tomatos on another. It is much easier to cook everything at the correct time and temperature. When using the firewire, you never plate the food on the wires, so it doesn't matter how it looks on the skewers.

