Filipino Style Pork and Chicken Skewers


Michael Richards

TVWBB Emerald Member
I posted this cook on another site, but after Rich Dahl's post about Portioning a Pork Shoulder I really felt compelled to share it here also.

About 2 weeks ago I made Filipino Style Pork and Chicken Skewers. I followed this recipe very closely and made a 1 1/2 batch so I could also do some chicken breast. I had to buy the banana cutsup and the calamansi juice off Amazon but it was worth it.

Started with cutting the pork into thin slices.
pork 1.jpg

From there I marinated it over night and the next day I skewered them up.
pork 2.jpg

Prepped the kettle for two zone cooking and the skewers went on the hot side to start.
pork 3.jpgpork 4.jpg

After they got a nice char on all sides, I moved them over to the indirect side and glazed them with the reserve marinate that I placed aside when making the original marinade. I based them a few times until they were done and then took them off the kettle.pork 5.jpgpork 6.jpg

I served them with simple brown rice and a little more of the warmed up reserved marinade (chicken on left and pork on the right).
pork 7.jpg

Both the chicken and the pork flavors were amazing. However, the texture of the pork shoulder skewers is what stole the show for me. I mean the thin pieces were this amazing mix of chewy and tender that I didn't even know the pork shoulder could do!
The family was over the moon for these which mean I will be getting to make this again. I am going to order more of the banana cutsup today so I can get on this again soon. I will make a few small chances. First for the pork, the thin slices of pork were magic, the thicker ones were just a touch tough. I will keep all the pork slices nice and thin. Next, the recipe was perfect on the pork which it was it was designed for, but in my modification using it for the chicken the calamansi juice was a touch strong. So I will make the chicken its own marinade where I go lighter then the original recipe recommends on the calamansi juice, and I will double the breast that I prep. Last, I will place some foil on the indirect side of the grill, that made a mess on the side and bottom of the kettle.

Thanks for looking!
That looks great Michael. Took a peak at the recipe, pretty complex process but certainly worth the effort.
I've also learned that when using marinades and sauces indirect with chicken or pork tin foil on the bottom of the indirect side is your friend. ;)
Wow, Michael. You killed it. Great post!
I have never heard of banana catsup or calamansi sauce...will definitely try these.
Yeah…I just bookmarked this as well. My college roommate is Filipino and his Dad used to show up at our apartment and make a bunch of meat that looked just like your meal. It was all incredible. I’m going to give this a try! Thanks!

This is the one I bought the first time and reorder yesterday (the original not the hot). It is enough for a 1 1/2 batch.
Let me know if that link does not work.
Hi Michael! In my haste to get banana catsup, I purchased the following. Do you think it will work okay??

Thank you for showing that pic, Michael. Mine is basically the same ingredients.

Appreciate the help! Yours was such a fantastic cook man. Be cooking these Sunday.

