Dustin Dorsey
TVWBB Hall of Fame

I finally got to these beef ribs that have been in the freezer for a while. These are hard to find here but readily available in central Texas at HEB

The fatcap was mostly gone so I trimmed off the silverskin and seasoned with Goldee's seasoning which is available at Walmart in Texas.

I fired up the Franklin. Here it is on my new patio. We had our deck ripped out (it was falling apart).

Getting it fired up. I used mostly pecan with some oak mixed in.

I let them rid unwrapped the whole time. I kept the pit between 275 to 380 for about 6 hours.

After the cook.

Sliced ribs.

Another sliced shot.

My wife's plate with my jalapeno popper sausage and german potato salad. I cut her some into burnt ends.
All in all these were delicious. I slightly overseasoned them because this is my first time trying this rub. Supposedly, it's salt/pepper and Lawry's.