Did Ya Miss Me?


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Yeah I know, didn't even know I was gone. Just got home yesterday from an all expense paid one week stay at the hospital.
Had a problem with my big toe and ended up with a staph infection in my blood which if they hadn't caught it I wouldn't be here today.
Thanks to a great team of doctors and dedicated nurses they were able to save my sorry butt.
Got a much shorter big toe now but well worth the loss.
They checked me in to the Covid ward in ICU until they determined that I was negative. That in itself is a very scary place to be.
Some super strong anti biotics and a host of other things I can't even pronounce, I 'm getting better now and feel much better.
Lost 9 Lbs. in one week laying in a bed, go figure.
Point is if you feel Ill get help ASAP. With the Covid it's not worth taking a chance...Get help!
Now where's my favorite spatula?
You would think the last place a negative person should be is the CV ward. Glad you're on the mend!
Rich glad your feeling better. My daughter works in an ICU unit and yes its a scary place they just started paying them hazard pay if they work overtime.
I noticed that you hadn't been posting, but I thought probably you were hunkering down in the A/C due to the heat. Glad to hear you survived your medical vacation. Must be a big relief to Barb to have you home. Now you can get some rest since that always is in short supply in the hospital. I'll bet your four legged family members were ecstatic to see you! Keep on keepin' on. You've got too many cooks left to do.
Just so people don't think I don't care about your health, I sent a PM to Rich earlier. Rich, sounds like you are feeling a little better. Thank goodness.
Man OH man! Is this a bad year for a lot of people in a lot of different ways. It just does NOT ever seem to stop. Glad that you caught in time.
Because it moves through the blood fast, No doubt about that one. Laying in the hospital for a week would freak me out too.
Glad that you are back to grilling. Good Luck,
I noticed that you hadn't been posting, but I thought probably you were hunkering down in the A/C due to the heat. Glad to hear you survived your medical vacation. Must be a big relief to Barb to have you home. Now you can get some rest since that always is in short supply in the hospital. I'll bet your four legged family members were ecstatic to see you! Keep on keepin' on. You've got too many cooks left to do.

Yeah Dan, you don't go to the hospital to get some rest that's for sure. Alarms going off, the night vampires coming in to draw blood, RN s changing IV drip bags all night. Not a lot of fun.
Just so people don't think I don't care about your health, I sent a PM to Rich earlier. Rich, sounds like you are feeling a little better. Thank goodness.
Thanks Joan for your concern you certainty picked up on the post I wasn't my smart a** self.
Take it easy till that toe heals. You don't want to run over it with that 150 lb. Camp Chef.

Yeah Lew, that's all I can do. Taking 23 pills a day to fight the infection, won't be ready for the Zip line for a while.
Although going to make a big batch of carnitas Friday when Barb is off. I was told in no uncertain terms that working with the grills solo is forbidden.
Rich - glad to hear you caught it early and on the mend. I made the mistake two weeks ago of starting the wsm in flip flops and catching a hot charcoal ember between two toes. I am sure neighbors were wondering why I was dancing on my patio at 7am by myself...doing the flip flop dance!

