Croques Madame


Clay Neubauer

This was inspired by Alton Brown, on a recent episode of Cutthroat Kitchen one of the challenges was Croques Madame. Croques Monsieur is the French version of a grilled ham & cheese sandwich, coated with Béchamel sauce. When topped with a fried egg, it becomes a Croques Madame. Some of you savvy world travelers probably know it as standard lunch fare in a Paris cafe, but to this American ham, eggs, & cheese says breakfast, so that's how I approached it.

A few of the ingredients I needed for this plate, Gruyere cheese, ham, Dijon mustard, some home-canned peaches from a tree in my mom's yard.



Getting the Béchamel sauce going.


Figured a culinary trip to Europe could use cream with some added flavors.


Layering ham and cheese.


Unfortunately let these go about half a minute to long before flipping, just a bit more toasty than intended. Have only cooked on these grill mats a handful of times, they need to be watched closer than a cast iron skillet over the coals.

Grill mats work nicely for eggs, though.


Plated up with peaches & cream, and a second drizzling of the Béchamel sauce.


Here's your bite. I am for sure going to do this again. It's pretty similar to what you might get ordering a Monte Cristo in the USA, but the Béchamel sauce just adds a whole new dimension compared to the egg batter on a Monte Cristo.

Looks good! I was wondering if Cutthroat Kitchen had anything to do with this cook? ;)

I've sent myself Google searching several of the intriguing things Alton sometimes comes up with for that show, but I knew for sure that this cook was going to be stellar on a Weber charcoal grill!
amazing - we'd go for the Croques Monsieur occasionally at the Inn in The market in Seattle on Sundays - We've tried making them but never quite gotten it right. your Madame looks awesome. Giving the Egg McBob a run for the money! :)
Hi Clay, well done you're very close from a real parisian Croque Madame !
You did it very well.
Here in France, we don't often put some béchamel on it... (Even if it is a true historic version of this meal)
We put some melted butter (or crème fraiche) on the bread and then ham, guyère (or comté) cheese, and the egg as you did.
But your nice cooking made me want to try it with béchamel...
Merci et bravo !
Great looking breakfast Clay. Great technique - way to bring a little international flair to your back yard...



