Croques Madame

Hi Clay, well done you're very close from a real parisian Croque Madame !
You did it very well.
Here in France, we don't often put some béchamel on it... (Even if it is a true historic version of this meal)
We put some melted butter (or crème fraiche) on the bread and then ham, guyère (or comté) cheese, and the egg as you did.
But your nice cooking made me want to try it with béchamel...
Merci et bravo !

Thank you, I was hoping somebody from your side of the big pond would critique it!
your Madame looks awesome. Giving the Egg McBob a run for the money! :)
Hey watch it buster! :p
Seriously good looking eats Clay!
I reckon that would work real well with some good old sausage milk gravy too.
Although I did make béchamel for my recent SOS breakfast.

