Cleaning procedure


Jay Nelson

New member
What is the general consensus on clean-up after a cook?
I typically clean the grates, clean out the ash and remove any food pieces that may have fallen through the cracks but purposely do not clean the interior of the kettle or smoker as I was told this was part of the "seasoning" of the cooker.
I mentioned this to a friend with a WSM and he was surprised. He told me the whole cooker should, at minimum, be hosed out but typically washed with dish soap and water.
I clean the grates, empty the ash and clean out the residue, if any in the lid. About every forth or fifth time I use it I do a high heat cook to make sure nothing is growing inside the barrel. seems to work, no problems so far.
Ditto Rich's cleaning procedure. Once a year I do a bit more, especially on my gas grill. Take it apart and check burners , igniter etc.
Clean grates, empty ash. That's about it. I will burn off the grates on my next cook. If the next cook is low heat, I'll burn off the grates using another kettle with left over charcoal.
Jay... Your friend is probably missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures... Enjoying the wonderful smoke smell when one takes one of those deep breaths as you walk next to your WSM !
As far as the inside walls of the WSM, the only cleaning I do is keep an eye on the lid for flaking. The charcoal bowl, I use a brush when I dump the ash. The other thing I do is keep the rim on the center section clean as well as the rim of the lid. If not, the gunk can build up and cement the two together. I just make a point to use a paper towel wet with white vinegar to keep those two area clean. A quick wipe when the WSM is warm is all it takes.
I usually don't do anything after the cook. I wait until the next morning to cover it. Then, when I prep to cook the next cook, I empty the ash and once heated wipe of the food grate(s). As mentioned above, every now and then I wipe the joint where the lid and center section meet.

Interestingly, Stubblefield of BRITU fame, said he cleaned his completely - as in like new - after each cook.
I mentioned this to a friend with a WSM and he was surprised. He told me the whole cooker should, at minimum, be hosed out but typically washed with dish soap and water.

It's a smoker, not a pot or pan that has food in direct contact with the surface. Seasoning is good, but if you use water or cook a boat load of meat that adds moisture to the smokers environment than you have to be wary of flakes building up on the inside of the lid and walls.
A quick swipe with a brush knocks off any peeling flakes off the body, and a few taps with the side of your fist takes care of the lid.
OBTW, Welcome to the board!:wsm:

I typically just dump the ash, clean the grates with a wire brush and dispose of the top layers of foil on the water pan. On Christmas, I noticed that some of the seasoning was starting to flake off in big chunks, so the day after, I threw in two fully lit chimneys to burn out the gunk. This took care of the caked up stuff in the center section, but there's still a fairly thick layer of buildup inside the lid, but it's well baked-on so I figure that's just extra insulation.

