Chicken Mole


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I like to use thighs but we had a pack of legs in the freezer so I used them instead

First grilled the legs, got a really nice crisp skin on these, too bad I was going to put them in some sauce.

My Son is not a big Mole fan so I added BBQ sauce to some of the legs for him

The Mole paste I used. Some of the best I have had.

Added the paste to some water and chicken bouillon, added the legs and let them cook till they were fall off the bone tender.

Plated with white rice and pinto beans
Fantastic Cast Iron Cook John!
I do not know how Mole tastes, but I believe that your chicken was delicious.
Not quite, Enrico. Mole is a sauce, typically found in Mexican Cuisine.

That is some great looking chicken, John. That Mole looks great too. My wife just made some a couple of weeks ago to go with some home made tamales. She used a plantain, some chipotle peppers in adobo sauce and some other spices to make a paste. Then made the sauce for the tamales. It was delicious. Very high heat.
Great Lookin' Mole John!
We made some last week using the same paste you did, it really has a much better taste/flavour than the already made in the box sauce... but I still use that to save time.

