


TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Anyone notice butter going through the roof? Last week I was at Costco and noticed the price on Kerrygold butter. The previous week I had bought some there. It was right around $8.50 for the 2lb box. Last week I was going to buy more since in anticipation of holiday baking I know it's going to be needed. Plus I really like that it's grass fed, high in Omega 3 and has much higher actual butter content rather than just air and water added to it like US produced main brand butter. But, holy smoke it was nearly $15! Nearly double the price!
Eggs too. Recently (maybe about a month ago) I happened to be at Sams and noticed eggs were up to $5.50 dozen! Lately we've been buying eggs from a local egg farmer. Organic and free range. Wife simply stops and gets them on way home from work. We pay $4.50 doz for those. But, they're fresh and I know where they came from
Yes! My wife and I noticed that last Sunday at the HEB. She said prices had almost doubled. I never pay too much attention so I just nodded and probably said something like "yeah, sons of b------"
get use to it.
45 years ago, a 6 pack of beer cost under a buck.
as you age, good prices age also.

besides, you're making more money now than you ever have, so suck it up.
It’s has to be way more difficult to just be starting out now, thinking about buying a house, starting a family, raising children, etc.

It feels good to have all that behind me, and I don’t envy the younger generations.

And I was joking with one of the employees of our local Aldi since they finally had eggs back in stock- the case was empty for awhile- she said the price had probably doubled, and I told her “just don’t look at the prices and you will be better off”.

Oh well…
I bumped up my old game show thread. It is a good place to see what things used to cost back in the '70's and '80's. Contestant's had to guess the price of things and were happy then if they won just a few hundred bucks.

“Inflation has built up a lot of momentum over the last year,” said Bill Adams, chief economist at Comerica Bank. “That’s going to keep inflation higher than the Federal Reserve wants it for at least a couple more months—if not a couple more quarters.”
As some of you know my wife Barb works part time at Safeway which is a large grocery chain. She is a cashier; she loves interacting with people so It's perfect for her. One thing she is not is a complainer, but recently she's been coming home and telling me the higher prices are taking a toll on her.
It seems that all the higher prices are her fault according to some of the dipsticks that she deals with. Yes, she's the face of Safeway and some of that's to be expected. But I get the impression that it's getting overwhelming. Why did I bring this up? Eggs. She had some woman cuss here out for about two minutes because the price of eggs was over $5.00. and she demanded Barb lower the price. Her manager overheard the woman and told the woman to leave the store.
And it's just going to get worse.
Rich, I am sorry THAT happened to Barb, but I wish more people did that to people that can do something about the rising cost of EVERTTHING!!!!!!!!

People are raising their prices because they can, without proving WHY they have to.
I tune into RFD-TV from time to time and they have very good reporting on why food prices are increasing - and the causes are based in real economic issues.
My son got a promotion and a raise at work. Proud of him. He's worked very hard to provide a good living for his family. The inflation we've experienced this year has all but eaten up his promotion raise. Hopefully things will level off soon.

