

Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
last week, I picked up a box of Bubba Burgers, then put them back.
picked it up again... then put it back again and walked away.
But I went back for them and tossed the box in my cart.
This past Monday night, I grilled a few, and here they are. These are of the Sweet Onion variety.


following the instructions, take'm right from the box frozen and on the grill they go
also grilled up some 'bella heads sliced thin... I tossed those in a tin after being on the grates.


got the Bubba's on then opened a Bell's Midwestern Pale Ale


again, following instructions from the box, don't touch the Bubbas until you see juices atop.


...I did so I flipped... eight minutes the first side...


and about 5 the other side. Instructions say to remove after hitting a 161ºF internal... I removed them at 160.


tossed on the rolls... in order, it was bottom bun, mushroom, Bubba, cheese, mushroom, then bun top.


one with no mushrooms (I think)


then served with oven roasted pòmdetè fries and sautéed baby-cut carrots.


Bubba Burgers are very juicy, tasty, yummy and costly.
The box I bought comes to a little over 2 bucks a burger.
Worth it? yeah, if you got dough to blow.
I think making regular burgers can beat 'em.
Probably will not buy them again unless I see a real good sale price on 'em.
Thanks for stoppin' by!
Nice review from the best expert.
I read the instructions usually only after I have a problem:)
Bubba Burgers with mushrooms (or without) looks really very tasty Jim.
Nice job Jim. They look great. I tried the regular Bubas about two years ago. They were OK, but I thought they had a peculiar after taste. Actually tried them twice. Same result. It's no surprise you could make them shine. Nice job!
Jim, they sorta look ok, but I could hook you up with several people that would get you farm raised beef that does nothing but go to the locker and directly to your freezer, and cost a lot less than that if you can swallow buying a quarter/half beef all at once... I even know somebody in Wisconsin who would gladly help.
I've joked with Pammi that we need to get some,just to have for a quick meal in the freezer. She didn't think it was funny. But you made those suckers shine,my friend! Good job!
Bubba burgers are pretty good but if you can find the ones in the black box which are the angus ones they are really good. I wait till i see them on sale at BJ's and buy a few boxes to keep in the freezer as it makes an easy quick meal without having to defrost anything.
Here's how I do it.. I picked up a cheap burger press from HF, I also picked up some waxed sheets in a box at cash n' carry. I then select on the press whether I want 1/4, 1/3, or bigger. Press them out and use a sheet top and bottom on each one. Then I freeze them on a cookie sheet to insure they stay flat. Once they are frozen, I either put them in a ziplock bag if I know I will use them pretty soon, or I foodsaver them in increments of 2's t take out when I need them. I cook them pretty much like Jim did the Bubba Burgers, guess I'm too cheap to buy them ready made although I did try Costco's packaged a couple of times and they were fine.
I keep a box in the freezer for emergencies.

I think cooking them frozen adds to the juiciness and even home made patties seem to stay juicier when cooked frozen.

