Dustin Dorsey
TVWBB Hall of Fame

My butcher carries Creekstone Farms primes so I decided to cook one for the Cowboys game. This one was about 13 1/2 lbs.

Gave it a trim.

Seasoned it up.

My intention was to cook this at 275 overnight, but I fought rain and cold the whole cook. Sometimes the temp dropped to 200, sometimes it was all I could do to keep the temp in the 225 range. This thing stalled early at 150 for hours! I had set my alarm to go off at 160 so I wound up wrapping late. This just goes to show that you can't go by temp!.

Texas meteor.

Crust-tastrophy! My bark got stuck in some places to the butcher paper. You just can't go fat down during the wrap, I guess. Maybe the sugar in the rub did it? It really just hurt the presentation.

Sliced pic. This bad boy took forever to give it up. Around 17 hours. Brutal.

The fat was very well rendered in the point.

Close up.

Sliced flat. Came out very moist. I just wish I didn't lose a bunch of the bark on the fat side.
Well, alas, the Cowboys game didn't go the way I wanted, but it was a great game. I learned a few things on this cook. Fat side down during the wrap stage with butcher paper doesn't work well. The subtle flavors of the rub definitely don't stand up to that long of a cook. Salt and pepper, does. Luckily I put enough salt in there and the brisket tasted great. For the rub to work out, I would definitely need to wrap sooner. Why this brisket stalled at such a lower temp than normal is beyond me.