Blow It Up and Start All Over Again...Patio That Is


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Having eight grills and smokers plus our utility table all in our small back yard and having to move them around it was becoming a bit much. So we decided to blow it up and start all over to gain so valuable real estate for our cooking toys.
We didn’t want a sea of concrete so we decided to use pavers to build our extended patio.
Here’s a few pictures of where we started and what we now have.

When we first moved in with performer #1

Then we add some flagstone, but that became a pain to move anything around.

So out it goes

This is why no grilling for the last week

One side done.

Side one loaded

Pups helping out on side two

Whitney doing a quality check

Side two done

Pups taking a break after a hard day of watching us work

We now have lots of room and everything is easy to move as needed.
Looks great Rich, I'm going to be doing some landscaping this winter (if we get the rain) want a kalifornia vacation? :)
Nice job and cute pups!

Thanks Phil, The one in back in the last picture was part of the inspiration to do this. Whitney is a rescue pup and is part Coyote and she can dig a hole you could bury a refrigerator in about one minute. Those blocks are 4" thick, will see how she does with those, so far so good;).
Rich I wish I had that kind of talent. Your patio is awesome. good to see you have some holy skilled pups to evaluate your work!
Very nice work Rich & Barb. You are going to enjoy your grill area for sure now.
Nice pups. BTW huskys love to dig. Blue & Myles have what we call the fox hole.
Just a question Rich. How easy is it to wheel your grills and smokers around on that surface. Hopefully by next summer I will built a new BBQ area and have to decide between something like you did or a concrete surface.

What you and Barb did looks GREAT. Congrats on a job very well done.
Just a question Rich. How easy is it to wheel your grills and smokers around on that surface. Hopefully by next summer I will built a new BBQ area and have to decide between something like you did or a concrete surface.

What you and Barb did looks GREAT. Congrats on a job very well done.

Bob, it's very easy to move things around as the blocks have rounded edges. We did the blocks because with the small back yard if we did concrete it would have looked like a concrete parking lot.

