Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I got the idea from this recipe but I used brown mushroom gravy vs the green peppercorn sauce. Served along side green beans and baked sweet potatoes with brown sugar cinnamon butter. This was served with a clone of a popular Munich Dunkel.

sorry for the blurry photo -- I was in a hurry! :cool:

You guys grilling in those conditions are to be commended! That shot of the tenderloins on indirect heat is fantastic! Great job Dwain!

PS... Is that a home brewed Porter I see nestled in the snow?
That would have been my second guess! Kidding of course. How did you learn to brew at that level? Self taught?

Internet my friend. LOL. I researched my forth point of contact off to learn. You'd probably be surprised at how easy it really is to brew fantastic beer at home.

I have this Dunkel on tap, an Irish Red conditioning, a Weizen in secondary, and a Maibock in primary.
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So much for the "Sunny South", huh? The weather has been stinko around here too. It has been as low as -20 degrees a few days ago and will again be below zero this week. I am ready for SPRING!:p

Nice lookin' cook and commend you for grillin' in that weather! Me, I'm gonna wait a bit...

Keep on smokin',
Nice Cook Dwain... I did homebrewing for several years and took several more for the weight to come back off,, Now I'm grilling and weight it returning, but whole family is getting happy with me...

I have some pork tenderloins in the freezer with my smoked bacon calling my name when I get time... -5 tonight... brrrr.
You beat me to it Dwain, I have a few PT's in the freezer and been meaning to do this for some time now.
You nailed it!
You have a nice view off your deck, Dwayne - I'm sure in some months nicer than others. And, I'm assuming if you weren't shivering so bad, your last pic would have been stellar too :)
Dwain, you are quite a man to be out in that stuff!! Everything looks so delicious great job.
Snow in Huntsville! Barely missed us in Bham.

I was sitting outside in 73*F sun at 2:30 and at 4:30 it was 46*F with ice in the forecast tonight.


