The salty taste some get, if properly rinsed/soaked, puzzles me.
I rinse, rub under running water, and soak only for a few minutes changing the water a few times and it's not at all salty, and I'm not one who likes things salty.
Sorry Martin, I'm just now seeing your post.Another 11 lbs of belly made into bacon and vac sealed.
Learnt a few things
On some , didnt use brown sugar, just added some maple syrup to bag. There is lots sugar in tenderquick. Still taste sweetness. Not as heavy....but doesnt burn like the brown sugar infused stuff. Cooks better. Meat slicer worked awesome. My cut length is about 9.5", so i just lift front a tad and drop into blade to get last inch started. Nice long thin uniform slices. World of difference for cooking compared to hand hacked...i mean cut. Pepper is good.
Made sure to get more smoke into this batch too. Didnt cold smoke, but did mostly low temp so it took 12 hrs. Much smokier than first belly.
Again , i have to put salt on the bacon. I have no idea how anyones bacon comes out salty unless they use too much cure. Or are bad at rinsing.
You, and your wife just made my day!
I'm glad the method worked well for you.
Some Costco's are carrying pork bellies, if you have one near you.
Yes.Can I make a decent pork belly bacon simply by following Bob's thread #1, or do I need to read-through all 500+ threads in this highly-popular post? What is considered the maximum-allowable temp for cold smoking, and can I do this at a higher temp due to 80-90 degree Fahrenheit summer temps? Thanks.
Can I make a decent pork belly bacon simply by following Bob's thread #1, or do I need to read-through all 500+ threads in this highly-popular post? What is considered the maximum-allowable temp for cold smoking, and can I do this at a higher temp due to 80-90 degree Fahrenheit summer temps? Thanks.
Place it in a plastic bag.
After removing from the smoker or grill, bag it air tight and place in ice water to rapidly cool.
As far as number 1, maybe someone that's tried it will chime in. Personally I wouldn't unless you do leave room for the liquids that will form to distribute when the bag is flipped over daily.I'm moving closer to trying this recipe but have a couple questions:
1: during the cure can I vac seal it? If so, should I remove all the air, or only to the degree that would simulate a freezer bag hand-sealed?
2: Can I vac seal it during the rapid cool, removing all air during the seal process?