Anyone else love grilling in sub freezing temps?

Tell us more about that thing.
Home built gravity fed charcoal smoker, weighs about 1,200 lbs, is fully insulated (2" of rock wool insulation everywhere,) charcoal column holds 18-20 lbs, will burn for 12-15 hours before needing to be stoked, 5 cooking racks, each 25"x28", can smoke 10 full packer briskets at once. Controller is a HeaterMeter (subforum hosted here, thanks, @Chris Allingham !) based on a Raspberry Pi with a custom data acquisition board.
Grilled flank steak last night in shorts n flip was the weather is at -10F.........( -23 C )
Once it gets to about -30 I don't really go out and grill unless I thawed something for a couple days prior....but I still look at the upcoming few days in weather before making that decision.
2 more months.........2 more months.......
Why do people put their can of beer on the lit grill in so many photos? Trying to boil it?
Thawing it out here today! I’ve got a few in a dry cooler in the garage, I hope they don’t explode before I get home!
You’re in the same loop. Air temp is something like 5 wind chill…-15! I’m not grilling tonight but, not due to the cold, I’m down at the hospital and waiting for my wife to come out of a second surger for her back! Nothing in the house and by the time I leave the butcher will be closed! Too bloody cold to drive around to find something to grill so, who knows what I’ll end up with!?

