A whole bunch of stuff.


Mike Cosgrove

TVWBB Diamond Member
Lately it seems I cant finish a documented cook, family gets me busy, too many beers, etc. etc., so I thought I'd just post a bunch of pics!
Here we go.
Butterflied yardird.

Bacon wrapped shrimp.


Spill on shorts!

A fire.

Another fire.

Wife and son.

Thanks for looking!
That's what happens when you cook good food Mike. Once it's ready nothing else matters. Nice family photo too.
Everything looks fantastic. Especially the family.

I know what you mean. It takes time away from what (more importantly who) is more important. I'll bet they had fun around that fire and flyin that kite

I am gonna do a catch up thread like this one as soon as we slow down a minute.
great pics. I hear you -It's tough to take pictures through the whole operation at times. Beers, gotta eat, etc... I like the multi-cook collage - as always, good stuff my friend.

